The Summer Slowdown

As we head into August, things here at the Riddleblog will slow down for a bit.
We've got a White Horse Inn event this weekend, followed by several days of taping next week while all of the hosts are in town.
Then its time for vacation--we'll be making our annual trip with family and friends to the Eastern Sierras (and yes, I am bringing my Snuggie so I can enjoy that cool mountain air in the mornings and evenings).
Lord willing, when I get back, I'll conclude my series on the "OC as a New Burned-Over District" (there are several more installments yet to come). I'll be returning to my duties at Christ Reformed on the 19th, and will be preaching on August 25 (we'll resume our series on the Gospel of John). I'll also be posting the schedule for the Wednesday night Bible Study, and the Academy (we've got some great lectures lined up).
Then it will be Labor Day and the Summer of 2013 will be over. Good grief, time flies, doesn't it.
So while things are slow around here, and while there are several weeks of Summer still left, feel free to comment on the OC series, about things you'd like to see on the blog, mention your favorite Civil War books, or even point out the reasons why MLB should suspend A-Rod for at least 100 games. Anybody brave enough to pick the two World Series teams?
Reader Comments (6)
Have a good vacation (but I wish we didn't have to wait until you return for the next OC installment. I've been enjoying them and am particularly interested in the next one) only please don't bring back any pix of you in that Snuggie :-)
There are too many reasons why A-Rod should not only be suspended - but should really never play again - to mention. That guy is simply bad for the game. If I were an owner I would never want that guy in my dugout.
The World Series will probably be a matchup between the Detroit Tigers and the Atlanta Braves. Things can certainly change, but I don't think the Yankees have much of a shot this year. Regardless, it will be fun to watch things develop. The city I was born in might be going bankrupt, but the Tigers aren't.
Is that beer there an Amillennialism Ale? I once bought a case of Amillennialism. <LOL>
I hope you thoroughly enjoy your vacation and I will also be looking forward to further installments in your OC series. I really enjoyed the one regarding Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral. I think it proves God has a sense of humor to see an RCA church turned over to the Roman Catholic Church. It's really a very sad mess and hopefully people will learn something from this debacle.
Great interview with Joel Sherman about A-Rod on the local sports radio today, audio available at