This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 24-March 2)

Sunday Morning (March 2, 2014): We are continuing our series on the Gospel of John, and we are working our way through Jesus' "High-Priestly Prayer." This coming Lord's Day we will be considering vv. 20-26, and Jesus' prayer for his people.
Note: Our worship services will be conducted in the Fellowship Hall until March 9, while the sanctuary undergoes a major renovation.
Sunday Afternoon: I am continuing my series on the Canons of Dort. We are covering the second head of doctrine (Christ's death) and dealing with refutation of errors. The catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (February 26, 2014): In our "Studies in the Book of Revelation," we are continuing to work our way through Rev. 13:11-18 (and the "Mark of the Beast"). Bible study begins at 7:30 p.m.
Friday Night Academy (February 28, 2014): We are studying Michael Horton's theology text, The Christian Faith, and we'll continue in part two, chapter six, (242 ff.) with our on-going discussion of divine impassibility.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
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