This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 5-11)

Sunday Morning (January 11): We are continuing our new sermon series on 2 Peter and Jude. This coming Lord's Day we will focus upon Peter's reference to partaking of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), and his exhortation to make our own calling and election sure (v. 10). Our Lord's Day worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon: I am continuing my series on the Canons of Dort, and this Lord's Day we will continue to work our way through the Fifth Head of Doctrine. We will discuss the relationship between the perseverance and the preservation of the saints (article 3). Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: Bible Study will resume January 14, 2015
The Academy: The Academy will resume on January 30, 2015
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
Reader Comments (1)
I want you to know this mystery that Saints have gone Spiritually Gone into Captivity from a long time.
this is theme you will find many times in books of OT prophets, God testifying his people will go into captivity and that he will turn their captivity someday and after that they will never go into captivity.
Sometimes he says that captivity of Zion will be turned and from that time no unclean person will never entered into it again etc,
Brethren if you can accept it is true that in Book revelation also we have that Beast Spiritually overcomes the Saints for 42 months which is 1260 years. Jerusalem's captivity for 1260 Years.
Remember Luther also named his book correctly "Babylonian Captivity Of Church".
Nevertheless God helped his people with Reformation But it is a Little Help as the scripture said and we are still fallen and in captivity.
"Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help:" Daniel 11 :34;
according to prophesy of scriptures Apostasy came in Church in third century. After that Man of Sin and Vile person of Daniel and Beast of Bottomless pit of John has been revealed, which is the eight one, for sixth one is Roman empire, and seventh one is Byzantine which stayed for short time in west and eight one is Barbarian Europe which which has many(seven heads). which stood in place of sixth and seventh one as Daniel wrote.
The Beast received honor of kingdom by papacy in year 800 as Daniel wrote, this Papacy is whore that rode the beast.
for there are many things to say but i cant explain everything here. please invite me to your Church. there i will explain you every thing in detail.
Jonathan Charles
Union City, CA.
916 849 4054