Our European Adventure

Our first stop is Heidelberg, where I am speaking at the 2015 Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology (you can find info on the annual conference here: Heidelberg Conference 2015).
I will also be preaching at the Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche (the Independent Evangelical Reformed Church) on the Lord's Day (Sunday, September 20). Rev. Sebastian Heck is the pastor, and directs the Reformation 2 Germany project. For more info about the church, go here: Independent Evangelical Reformed Church of Heidelberg.
Our next stop is Bern, where we will spend a couple of days playing tourist, and then Lording willing, meet up with a "DNA" cousin, who will take us to Langnau-Im-Emmital (a city in the Canton of Bern) and then to the "Rothlisberg" (a small hill nearby), which is the home of our mutual ancestors--the Rotlisbergers of Bern.
After a few days in the Jungfrau the Swiss Alps, we will head on to Milan, where I will be preaching for the URC congregation there on the Lord's Day (September 27). The pastor is Rev. Andrea Ferrari, who has preached at Christ Reformed. You can check out the church's website (in Italian -- Chiesa Riformata Filadelphia) or take a look at the Reformation Italy Project (Reformation Italy)
I am thrilled to meet up with two old friends doing such great work in Europe, and then meeting a new cousin, who, until the wonders of DNA testing came on the scene, I would have never known I had.
Reader Comments (2)
The world is ending October 7th.
Wouldn't want you to miss it!
Travel Blessings,