Luther, Ursinus, Olevianus

During our walking tour of Heidelberg, led by Rev. Sebastian Heck, we stood on the spot where Martin Luther gave his famous "Heidelberg Disputation" (in April of 1518) while speaking at the Augustinian Cloister in the city. It was one of Luther's first public discourses. Luther spoke on human sinfulness and the bondage of the will. One of those in the audience that day--Martin Bucer of Strasbourg--became a follower of Luther as a result. Johann Eck also got wind of Luther's lecture, and subsequently challenged Luther to a debate which became known as the Leipzig Debate.
This is St. Peter's Church in Heidelberg, where Caspar Olevianus (1536–1587) served as pastor for a number of years. St. Peter's was considered the "university" church of the famed University of Heidelberg, founded in 1386. Students and faculty worshipped here.
This was one of the high points of the trip so far---enjoying a fine cup of coffee and a pastry while sitting at tables in the old town square. We were just outside the magnificent Church of the Holy Spirit where Zacharius Ursinus often preached, as did Olevianus. A great way to spend an hour or so before dinner!
I'll bet our small group were among the very few in the vast multitude of tourists passing through the square who even cared about such things.
Reader Comments (3)
I'm glad to hear you're able to see these places at your leisure. Maybe you can break out with a Reb Tevya imitation and sing "Tradition" in the square.
Glad you have this opportunity.