This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 1- January 7)

Sunday Morning, January 7: We are returning to our series on the Minor Prophets and we will be asking and answering the "Who?" "When?" "What?" and "Why?" questions of the next prophet up in our series, Hosea. Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon: As we wrap up our on-going study of the Heidelberg Catechism, we will focus this week upon the petition in the Lord's Prayer, "Deliver Us from Evil" (Lord's Day 52, Q & A 127-129). Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: Resumes on January 10
The Academy: Resumes on January 19
For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Church), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).
Reader Comments (2)
I wanted to start coming to the Academy. Is there anything I need to do beforehand?
Nope, just come and enjoy the video and the discussion. We are picking up the series right after the Civil War.
Kim Riddlebarger