This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 22 - January 28)

Sunday Morning, January 28: We are continuing our study of the Minor Prophets. This week, we will tackle Hosea chapters 4 and 5. We will be focusing upon the failure of Israel's priests to teach the people a knowledge of God. Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon: We are working our way through the Formula of Chalcedon. We are spending several weeks discussing basic issues in Christology. Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (January 24 @ 7:30 p.m.): We resume our series, "Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age." This week, we are discussing various tests for truth.
The Academy (Friday, January 26 @ 7:30 p.m.): We resume our lecture/discussion series based upon Allen Guelzo's Teaching Company Course, The American Mind. Our topic this week is the influence of social Darwinism upon American intellectual history.
For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Church), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).
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