This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 12-18)

Sunday Morning, November 18: We are working our way through the "Night Visions" of Zechariah as part of our series on the Minor Prophets. This week we come to Zechariah 5:1-14 and the visions of a flying scroll and a woman in a basket. What do these mean? Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon: Why are Christians obligated to join Christ's church? We will tackle that question when we take up article 28 of the Belgic Confession. Our afternoon service begins at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (November 14) @ 7:30 p.m. We continue our series Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age. We are discussing the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to Christian evidences. This week we will consider B. B. Warfield's concept of the Witness of the Spirit.
The Academy (November 16): We begin a short series on the Eschatology of the Reformers. What did Luther and Calvin believe about the end times?
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