This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 24-30)

Sunday Morning, September 30: We will begin our study of the Prophecy of Zechariah as part of our series on the Minor Prophets. This week, we'll address the "Who?" "When?" "Why" and "What" questions, and then look at Zechariah's call for repentance in chapter 1:1-6. Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Note: Our New Members Class begins this week @ 9:00 a.m., in room 601. We'll be talking about the history and ethos of Christ Reformed Church.
Sunday Afternoon: We are studying the Belgic Confession, and will be taking up article 22 which addresses the "Righteousness of Faith." Our afternoon service begins at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (September 26) @ 7:30 p.m. We are continuing our series Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age. We'll be discussing common ground and the role of presuppositions--focusing upon the law of non-contradiction, causality, and sense perception.
The Academy (September 28): We return to our lecture/discussion series based upon Allen Guelzo's Teaching Company Course, The American Mind. Our lecture this week is "Science Under the Cloud" (the atomic age).
For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Church), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).
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