What Should I Read to Learn More About "Covenant Theology"?

People often ask me, "what should I read to learn more about . . . ?"
So, throughout the coming summer, I'd like to suggest books (and on occasion other resources) on those topics about which folks frequently seek resources.
The books I will suggest throughout this series are primarily intended for lay people and others who are new to Reformed theology, or who would simply like to know more about various aspects of key Reformed distinctives.
If you have wondered about "covenant theology," and want an introduction to how the Reformed understand the course of redemptive history (the plan of redemption), then this is the place to begin. This is a very important book to read for anyone who is interested in Reformed theology and who comes from a dispensational background.
You can find it at Mongerism.com (Monergism.com Books) or at Amazon (Sacred Bond)
Mike Horton's God of Promise is another important introduction to covenant theology. Not a primer, God of Promise makes a substantial contribution to the Reformed understanding of the way in which covenants provide the internal biblical architecture for reading and understanding the whole of Scripture. How does one determine whether a covenant is a "covenant of works" or a "covenant of grace"? How do ancient Near-Eastern treaties help us understand the Bible? Covenant or Testament? This is a good follow-up to Sacred Bond.
This is the classic statement of the Reformed doctrine of the covenant or works and the covenant of grace. Not an easy read, but a very important book, and well-worth tackling. Witsius -- The Economy of the Covenants
Also highly recommended is Geerhardus Vos' essay, "The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology" (The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology)
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