This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (April 13-19)

Week Six of the Covid-19 Exile
At the direction of the Governor of California, the County of Orange, and City of Anaheim, and in light of the CDC's recommendation to avoid groups and assemblies, and the on-going need for social distancing, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled the next two Sundays (April 19 and 26).
Next Sunday, we will return to our series on Romans and consider Paul's amazing assertion that God justified the wicked (Romans 4:1-12).
Thankfully, we do see some light at the end of the tunnel, but in the meantime continue to pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained by such measures as staying at home, social distancing, and the regular washing of hands. Pray for your fellow church members. Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need. More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.
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