The Covid-19 Exile Is Coming to an End! Christ Reformed Church's Re-Opening Schedule

Sunday, June 7: Lord willing, our last Sunday in exile! We will continue our time in Romans, looking at Romans 7:7-13 and the relationship of sin to the law.
Wednesday, June 10 (tentative): Bible Study returns at 7:30 p.m. We'll return our series, "Reading the Bible with Paul." We will consider the Apostle's take on the role of the law in the new covenant (Galatians 3:15-25). Instructions for admission and social distance guidelines to follow.
Sunday, June 14 (tentative): Lord willing, we will re-open for public worship. The details of our re-opening plan will be made available once the final details are in place.
Check here for updates: Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.
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