This Week at Christ Reformed Church! We Re-Open for Bible Study (June 10) and Worship (June 14)!

Sunday, June 14: Morning worship returns (9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., live-streaming of the first service will be available, as well as a YouTube version). I will be covering Psalm 79 and the lessons which can be learned from a time of exile.
Note: Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. You will be invited to reserve seats for you and your family. For more information and regular updates, check here: Christ Reformed Church Latest News.
Wednesday, June 10 (Sanctuary): Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m. We'll return to our series, "Reading the Bible with Paul." We will consider the Apostle's take on the role of the law in the new covenant (Galatians 3:15-25). Masks, temperature checks and social distancing will be required for all attendees.
Check here for updates: Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.
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