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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages



1 Corinthians 14:1-19 -- "Strive to Excel in Building Up the Church"

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon.

Click here

This Week's White Horse Inn

The Parables of Jesus (Part 2)

What is the point of the parables? Is there a moral to the story that we should all look for and attempt to follow? Is the point of the wicked tenants parable that we should all try to be good tenants, or is there something else going on here? On this broadcast, the hosts will discuss these questions as they unpack the parable of the wicked tenants and others related to it. And as they will show, Jesus and his forthcoming crucifixion at the hands of Israel's unfaithful shepherds is really what these messages are all about.


Who Said That?

"They say we're apathetic . . . . They say we're not energized.  Well, you know, I'm a preacher.  There's a story in the Bible about a man named Ezekiel.  Ezekiel saw a valley full of dry bones.  Somebody said, 'Can these bones live?' And the way he made them live was he started connecting them together . . . . `If we can connect these bones' . . . `we can make America breathe and America live as one nation under God.'"

Who said that?  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


Tonight's Academy Lecture

Lecture Title:  "The Olivet Discourse -- Part One"

Lecture Contents:  In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gives the disciples his most extensive teaching about the signs of the end and the future course of human history.  We will work our way through Matthew 24 and parallel passages (Mark 13, Luke 19, 21) in this lecture

Date/Time:  Friday, October 15, 7:30 p.m.

Instructor:  Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

TextbooksA Case for Amillennialism (Baker 2003), The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006)

About the Academy:  The Academy meets at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim.  The lectures begin at 7:30 p.m., are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and answers, as well as a time for fellowship and refreshments.

For more information, click here


Miracles? Not So Fast! UFOs? No Problem . . .

The Rev. Barry Downing, a retired Presbyterian minister living in the UK, has trouble accepting the historicity of the miracles in the Bible.  Many people do.  That is why they are theological liberals!

But Rev. Downing is not satisfied with the usual path taken by the libs--that the events are mythological.  No, he says the miracle stories in the Bible are not mythological.  Instead, they reflect human encounters with superior alien technology.  Not miracles, but UFOs

Take, for example, the miracles associated with Israel's exodus from Egypt.  God didn't part the Red Sea, a spaceship did.  Says Downing, "The Jewish people didn't know about Einstein's theory of relativity or about force fields and so, the language they use is like a stunning glance: The Lord in the pillar of cloud and the fire looked down."

Those poor unenlightened fundamentalists . . .  How do they miss the obvious?


Antichrist . . . He's Not Nice . . .

You should all be thankful that the only musical training I had was three years of playing trumpet in junior high school!  Just imagine for a moment what I could do if I knew how to play the keyboard and sing.

We'd have an Amillennial song to compete with "Doom and Gloom!"


Ursinus' Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Now On-Line!

Zacharius Ursinus' Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism is now available on-line (h.t.

You can find it here:  Ursinus' Commentary on the Catechism

It is great to see this wonderful resource available in this format!


Audio of Friday Night's Academy Lecture on Daniel 9:24-27

Here's the audio from Friday night's Academy lecture on Daniel 9:24-27.

Click here

"The Greatest of These Is Love" -- 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Here's this morning's sermon, the twenty-fifth in a series.

Click here



This Week's White Horse Inn

The Parables of Jesus (Part 1)

Some say that Jesus taught in parables because this mode of communication is the most effective for large audiences. But is this really what Jesus was up to? What is a parable anyway, and why did Jesus use this particular method of teaching? On this program, the White Horse Inn hosts will answer these questions and more as they begin a new six-part series on the parables of Jesus.