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Living in Light of Two Ages



A New Look for the Riddleblogger?

Mullet4.jpgIf it is time for the Riddleblog to be updated, maybe I need a make over too.

My sons (20, 17) tell me that as a middle-aged bald-guy still hanging on to my 1970's graying mustache, I look like a fireman, cop, or Iraqi soldier.

Knowing that I was thinking about doing something drastic to change my appearance, someone @ Christ Reformed decided I needed a new look.  So they supplied me with the accouterments of a proper make-over.  I tried it out when we took our pictures for the church directory because I wanted them to know how much I appreciated their generosity and thoughtfulness.

Now my sons call me "Dad Dirt" or "Dad-Bob."

Meanwhile,  after thinking it over, I think I'll stick with the Dr. Phil look.   He's bald.  He's got a "stache."  He's a big celebrity, and my wife thinks I look a bit like him.


The New Way of the Spirit -- Romans 7:1-6

romans%20fragment.jpgThe Fifteenth in a Series of Sermons on Paul's Epistle to the Romans

In Romans 6:14, Paul tells us that we are not under law but under grace. But when Paul says that we are not under law he is referring to the fact that all those in Christ are no longer condemned by the law–the so-called “second use” of the law. But the absence of the law’s condemnation does not mean in any sense that we are no longer obligated to obey the Ten Commandments. In fact, having been freed from the law’s condemnation, we are now free to obey the commandments, something we could never do while we were still slaves to sin.

We are continuing our series on the Book of Romans and we are discussing Paul’s doctrine of sanctification as set forth in Romans 6, 7 and 8. In Romans 6:1, Paul began this discussion by referring to the believer’s death to sin through union with Christ. In Romans 7, the apostle continues this discussion, now referring to the believer’s death to the law.

According to Nygren, “It is at least clear from this comparison that Paul’s thought in chapter 7 follows a course similar to that in chapter 6. The same categories are used, being simply applied to different matter.” If Romans 6 is a description of our death to sin because of our transference from domination under Adam to freedom via our union with Christ, Romans 7 describes our death to the law as an elaboration on Paul’s comment in Romans 6:14 that the Christian is no longer under law but under grace. Just as sin no longer enslaves us because we died to sin through our union with Christ, so too the law no longer condemns us because in Christ, we have died to the law’s condemnation. We now stand in a new relationship to the law.

There is a reason why Paul must address the topic of the law at this point in this epistle. As Leon Morris points out, “the place of the law in God’s scheme of things was a constant battleground in Paul’s controversies with Jewish opponents. For them the law was the greatest good, the mark of God’s kindness to his people in that he had given it to them. They studied it with the greatest of diligence, regarding even the minutest detail as important. They took it as central for any pious person as he sought to live a life of service to God. It seemed to them that Paul was rejecting this greatest of goods that God have given. Paul found himself in a difficult position. On the one hand, he could not regard the way of the law as the way of salvation, and he said this with utmost firmness. But on the other hand, it was the good gift of God and, rightly used, was of great importance.”

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


Behold, I Am Coming Soon -- Revelation 22:6-21

Revelation%20--%20vision%20of%20John.jpgThe Thirty-First in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Revelation

Having given us a glimpse of the back of the book, so to speak, John now wraps up his panoramic vision of the course of redemptive history in the twenty-second chapter of the Book of Revelation.  In the epilogue of his apocalyptic vision, John reminds the church of Jesus Christ that the things recorded in this book are soon to take place.  But it is with great urgency that John also makes the point that all of human history is racing toward that glorious day when Jesus Christ returns in unspeakable glory, to judge the world, raise the dead and make all things new.

As we now complete our survey of the Book of Revelation, Lord willing, next time we will spend our time together reflecting upon some of many points of application that we should take with us from our studies in this amazing book.  During this series, we have been emphasizing the fact that as the various visions in this book are set forth, John is giving us a running commentary on the progress of redemptive history–giving us the big picture and telling us the story behind the story.  In effect, John picks up where the Old Testament writers left off.  Beginning with the expectation of the dawn of the messianic era, John takes us from the birth of the Messiah all the way to his second coming at the end of the age.  In the last few chapters of this book, John gives us a glimpse of the final chapters of the redemptive story even before they play out on the stage of human history.  Therefore, in the midst of our struggles in this present evil age, we have seen that glorious goal to which God will graciously bring us.  And with this glorious vision now before our eyes, we should not grow weary or despair as we make our way to the heavenly city, even though the journey is difficult.

In the opening chapters of Revelation, John describes the persecution faced by those in his original audience at the hands of the Roman Empire.  Using apocalyptic symbols, John has shown how the Roman empire and its supremely evil emperor, Nero, is, in turn, a type of all those evil empires and their leaders yet to arise throughout the course of this present evil age.  In fact, John foretells of the rise of a whole series of world empires and dictators all waging war against the people of God.  But this series of empires will finally culminate in one last evil empire which will arise in those days immediately before the return of Jesus Christ and which is crushed by our Lord as his coming.  Knowing how the redemptive drama will turn out in the end, John comforts his readers with the prophecy of the total defeat of this Satanic world empire and all those who ally themselves with it (the harlot, the beast and false prophet).  By looking at the back of the book, we know who wins in the end.  Thus the Book of Revelation is not a book of esoteric information to give the curious something to do, it is a book filled with pastoral comfort.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


A New Look?

new%20riddleblog%20header.jpg It is time for a new look for the Riddleblog.

This is a new squarespace template with a new mountain photo as the header.  What do you think?


Where Word-Faith Meets Southern Baptist -- A Presidential Campaign, of Course











I simply pass this on without comment . . . well, except for one at the end (h.t. h.b.).

This is from a press release from the Trinity Foundation (which now publishes the Wittenberg Door: Click here: Wittenburg Door) sent to subscribers of their newsletter.


Republican hopeful Mike Huckabee reached out to a questionable funding source this week—Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland, one of the targets of a Senate Finance Committee investigation into the funding and governance of "prosperity gospel" ministries.

At Copeland’s annual by-invitation-only Minister's Conference at his Newark, Texas, headquarters Jan. 23, Copeland received a call during the meeting from Huckabee requesting emergency financing. According Doug Wead, former Bush family evangelical adviser, Copeland and his supporters at the conference raised $111,000 in cash for Huckabee, with about a million dollars in pledged donations, after he temporarily adjourned the conference and then reconvened the group as a "private meeting."

Wead relayed a report in his blog from a source at the meeting that "Last night [Jan. 23] the Governor called his friend in the middle of a conference and Copeland, carefully observing all the laws governing non profits, as a private citizen, re-convened a private meeting, turned to his friends and raised a few million dollars for Huckabee." (See "Mike Huckabee’s Big Mistake")

According to video clips of the conference obtained by Trinity Foundation, an investigative watchdog group in Dallas, Copeland revealed that Huckabee had pledged his total support to Copeland's ministry while dismissing the Senate investigation.

Video clips of Copeland's comments are posted on The Wittenburg Door Magazine website.

One video clip shows Copeland describing a phone call from Huckabee regarding the Senate investigation:

"[Huckabee told me] Why should I stand with them and not stand with you? They've only got 11 per cent approval rating.' And then he said, 'Kenneth Copeland, I will stand with you.' He said, 'You're trying to get prosperity to the people and they're trying to take it away from 'em.' He said, 'I will stand with you any time, anywhere, on any issue.' That settled that right there. I said, 'Yeah, that's my man! That's my man, right there.'"


There's only one case in life I can think of where a Southern Baptist minister would come to Kenneth Copeland, hat-in-hand, to ask for an "emergency donation" -- A failing presidential campaign.  One more weird consequence when the two kingdoms are blurred. 


Academy Lecture on New Perspectives on Paul Posted

KR%20lecturing.JPGHere's the link to my latest Academy lecture on the New Perspectives on Paul (January 25, 2008).  The lecture is entitled, "An Interesting Dialogue Between James Dunn and N. T. Wright."

The lecture can be found here:  Click here: Christ Reformed Info - MP3's and Real Audio (of Academy Lectures)



Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Thus, we look in vain for a statement in which Paul would speak about himself as an actual sinner.  When he speaks about his conscience, he witnesses to his good conscience before men and God."

OK, who said that?  You know the drill!  No google searches or cheating.  Leave your guess in the comments section.


Some Interesting Links on a Friday . . .

Links.jpgOh, how the mighty have fallen!  Looks like Jimmy Swaggart is now renting out units in the "Bluebonnet Towers" which used to be dorms for the Bible College.  So, if you live near Baton Rouge and want a cheap apartment (with no kitchen or smoking privileges) here you go.  Click here: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Not much on earth more powerful than a mother's love for her children, even her unborn child.  Talk about an act of love and courage . . .  Click here: - Mother Delays Cancer Treatments So Baby Can Live - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

I'll bet this guy has quite a "testimony."  His name is "Butt Naked" -- (no, I'm not kidding).  He was a warlord and a rebel general, he commanded the "Butt Naked Battalion" in Liberia, and he was responsible for the death of thousands.  Now, he's an evangelical preacher.  Can't you just imagine inviting "Butt Naked" to your church to lead a revival meeting.  Click here: Gen Butt Naked confesses to nude killings - Telegraph

The Iowa state legislature invites an Imam to open their assembly in prayer.  He promptly prays for an Islamic victory over the infidels and for the overthrow of the "Great Satan."  Click here: Storm Lake Pilot Tribune.

This is why Marc Heinrich's Purgatorio is one of my favorite blogs.  I'm so glad he's back.  Click here: Meet My Pet - purgatorio


Tonight's Academy Lecture


I am continuing my series "New Perspectives on Paul."  My sixth lecture in this series is entitled "An Interesting Dialogue Between James Dunn and N. T. Wright."

Our Academy lectures @ Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim start @ 7:30 p.m., are free of charge and followed by a time for discussion and refreshments.  Previous lectures in this series can be found here:  Click here: Christ Reformed Info - MP3's and Real Audio (of Academy Lectures)

Come on out and say "hello." 


More Interesting Links . . .

Links.jpgThe Rev. Michael Brown (from Christ United Reformed Church in Santee) has a great post on our recent classis.  His consistory has every reason to be proud and thankful.  However, Rev. Brown is clearly jealous of my new tie.  Click here: pilgrim people-christ urc-reformed - the latest post - Classis Southwest Update

I am greatly relieved to know that there are no monsters living on Mars.  Now, if only I could be sure about what is hiding under my bed. Click here: NASA: Mystery Creature On Mars Is Wind-Carved Rock - Spotlight News Story - WKMG Orlando

Is there anything that doesn't offend Muslims?  Click here: - Three Pigs Story Judged 'Offensive to Muslims' - International News | News of the World | Middle Eas

For all of you with horrible bosses and who may be thinking about ways to get even with him and his rotten company, think twice!  This is just unbelievable.  Click here: - Angry Employee Deletes All of Company's Data - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

Finally, a giant mea culpa is in order to all the "cat" people I've offended.  After starting the fire (no doubt), Oreo saved the lives of eight people. Click here: Cat saves 8 people from house fire -