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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages



This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 28-April 3)

Sunday Morning, April 3:  We return to our series on the Book of Daniel.  We will consider Belshazzer's party and the mysterious handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5:1-12).  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Afternoon:  We come to one of the most beloved sections of our catechism, Lord's Day 10 and the discussion of God's good providence (Q & A 27-28).  Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study, March 30:  We are going verse by verse through 1 Thessalonians.  We working our way through chapter 3.  Our study begins at 7:30 p.m.

 For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Info), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).



Audio from Easter Week Services (Updated Again!)

Here's the audio from our Maundy Thursday service, focusing upon Jesus' celebration of the Passover with his disciples (Luke 22) as the fulfillment of Exodus 12: Maundy Thursday 

Here's the audio from our Good Friday service, focusing upon Jesus' death as the true Passover lamb (Exodus 12; 1 Peter 1:17-18): Good Friday

Here' the audio from this morning's Easter Sunday service, focusing upon Israel's deliverance from Pharaoh and the Red Sea (foreshadowing the resurrection of Jesus-Exodus14; Romans 6:1-11):  Easter Sunday


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Resurrection in the Old Testament (part 2)

On this program the hosts continue their series, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord. The hosts continue to explore the doctrine of the resurrection throughout the Old Testament Scriptures in this episode.

What did the prophets say about the afterlife and the general resurrection of the dead? More importantly, what did they teach about the role of the coming messiah? Did they really predict that he would die for the sins of his people and rise again on the third day? Join us for this broadcast of the White Horse Inn answering these important questions and more as we continue our series The Resurrection.

Click Here


That's A Wrap! -- "In the Land of Nod" Lecture Series Completed

My lecture series on the Reformed doctrine of the "Two Kingdoms" is now complete.

You can find the entire series of lectures here:  In the Land of Nod -- Lectures on the Reformed Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms


Easter Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 21-27)

Maundy Thursday (7:30 p.m.) "The Blood Will Be a Sign for You" -- Exodus 12:1-14

Good Friday (7:30 p.m.) "When He Sees the Blood" -- Exodus 12:15-51

Easter Sunday (10:30 a.m.) "The Lord Saved Israel" -- Exodus 14:10-31


"All His Works Are Right and His Ways Are Just" -- Daniel 4:19-37

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the ninth in a series of Sermons on the Book of Daniel, Click Here


"The Most High Rules the Kingdom of Men" -- Daniel 4:1-19

Here's the audio from two Sundays ago, which was successfully recovered, Click Here


Friday Night Academy Audio -- Concluding Lecture

Here's the concluding lecture in my series "In the Land of Nod."

In this lecture we summarize the biblical data regarding A Christian's Responsibility within the Civil Kingdom


This Week's White Horse Inn

Resurrection in the Old Testament (Part 1)

On this program the hosts continue their series, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord. The next two weeks we will look at the Old Testament and how it anticipates the resurrection of the Messiah. The hosts will begin an exploration of the Old Testament background of this doctrine of the resurrection.

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul says that Christ was raised on the third day “according to the Scriptures.” How did the ancient Jewish view of the afterlife differ from the views of their contemporaries? What do the Psalms and Wisdom literature teach about death and the hope of resurrection? Join us for this broadcast of the White Horse Inn as we continue our series The Resurrection, focusing on the very essence of the Christian hope.

Click Here


Horton on Trump; Trueman on Evangelicals

Here's Michael's Christianity Today essay on Trump: Trump's "Theology"

Here's Trueman's essay on the state of evangelicalism:  The Last Waltz

Both are must reads.