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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from August 1, 2020 - August 31, 2020


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 6)

Sunday, September 6:  Morning worship at 8:30 only.  Live-streaming of the service will be provided.  As we move into Romans 8, we come to Paul's wonderful word of pardon: "No Condemnation."   We'll be covering Romans 8:1-4.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare for Sunday morning setup.  To RSVP go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Note:  Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks and temperature checks are still required for all attendees


"I Am of the Flesh" -- Romans 7:14-25

Here's the video and audio from Sunday's service.

Video:  "I Am of the Flesh" -- Romans 7:14-25

Audio:  "I Am of the Flesh" -- Romans 7:14-25


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (August 30)

Sunday, August 30:  Morning worship at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m:  Live-streaming of the first service at 8:30 a.m. will be provided.  I will be preaching on Romans 7:14-25, and Paul's lament, "I am of the the Flesh"

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare for Sunday morning setup.  To RSVP go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Note:  Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks and temperature checks are still required for all attendees


"The Wretched Man" -- Romans 7:14-25

Here's this morning's sermon as part of our series on Romans:

Video:  The Wretched Man of Romans 7:14-25

Audio:  The Wretched Man of Romans 7:14-25


I'm Back--A Week Early, But I'm Back

Pastor Brad is ailing, so I'm back a week early.

We'll return to our series on the Book of Romans, and I will tackle the identity of the "wretched man" of Romans 7:24.

Note:  Attendance at each service is limited due to social distancing requirements.  You will be invited to reserve seats for you and your family.  For more information and regular updates, check here:  Christ Reformed Church Latest News.  


Big Changes Coming for the Riddleblogger

Many of you know that after twenty-five wonderful years I will be retiring at year end from my duties as Senior Pastor at Christ Reformed Church.

My wife, Micki, has recently retired after forty years working in travel accounting.  She's worked very hard, has had a distinguished career, and deserves a respite from the long and wearisome hours spent at her computer looking at fill-in templates and spreadsheets which I cannot even begin to understand.

We are also anticipating the birth of our first grandchild in January.  We are absolutely thrilled.  More to come?  Hope so!

Big changes, indeed.

So, in light of these changes, what does the future hold for me and the Riddleblog? 

Although I am retiring as a Senior Pastor, I won't be unemployed.  I'll be teaching two classes at Westminster Seminary California in the Spring of 2021.  Only the Lord knows what I'll be doing beyond that.  If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is that the normal routines of life can quickly change in dramatic and unexpected ways.

As you may have noticed the last few years, my productivity at the Riddleblog has slowed, in part, because my pastoral duties at Christ Reformed have required my full attention and diminishing energies.  I have focused upon my church duties and related preaching and Bible study/lectures (the content of which has been made available on the Riddleblog).

I also made the decision that given the tribalism of our current political context, it was important that I steer clear of divisive political issues and personalities (about which I maintain great interest and have strong opinions) and concentrate on my calling to preach God's word and administer the sacraments, as well as utilize my teaching gifts.  Others are better equipped for the social media Jihad than I.

So, as my retirement from Christ Reformed draws near, I can say that I intend to stay active after stepping down as long as health allows and interest remains.  I'd like to complete several writing projects, teach as I can, and retool the Riddleblog (more on this in the months ahead). 

But before I retire, I still have the glorious opportunity to preach through the rest of Romans.  Lord willing, that is what I will do.  To paraphrase Yogi Berra, "it ain't over till the last doxology is sung."

Stay tuned . . .


"The Man of Sin" Published in Korean

Baker Books sent me a few promotional copies of my Man of Sin, now published in Korean, joining the Korean edition of A Case for Amillennialism.  This came as news to me, but glad to see it nevertheless.

I cannot help but wonder if Korean readers don't think of Kim Jong Un when they read Man of Sin.  But Kim Yo-jong, his sister, might be an equally viable candidate.  That means changing the title to the Woman of Sin, or the gender neutral Person of Sin.  Nah . . .