A Reformed Pastor's Toolkit

Rick Warren has a minister's toolkit (Click here: Pastors.com | Encouraging pastors and church leaders), so here is one of my own.
Tool # 1 -- The Word of God rightly divided and proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit. This will create faith!
Tool # 2 -- The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. These will confirm and strengthen faith!
Tool # 3-- A biblically based, God-honoring liturgy. This will keep our focus on Christ, not ourselves.
Tool # 4 -- A pulpit. Symbols are important! This will demonstrate that we respect the Word of God.
And when I say "pulpit", I mean a big wooden pulpit (below), not some cheesy plexiglas one
Tool # 5 -- A Pastor's Study. This is a place to prepare to preach and to pray, and a place to shepherd God's flock by applying the preached word to struggling sinners.
Tool # 6 -- Uplifting music from God's own songbook! Let's sing the songs God gave us!
Tool # 7 -- Prostitutes and Tax Collectors. You need people to whom to preach, and we all are tax-collectors and prostitutes at heart (or else we are Pharisees cf. Luke 18:9-14).
Did I miss anything? What's in your ministry toolbox?