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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from May 1, 2006 - May 31, 2006


The "Moses Model" of Ministry Backfires . . .

chuck smith.jpgNo doubt, Chuck Smith is one of the most influential figures in the modern American church.  He's the father of "contemporary worship," he give life and vitality to the charismatic movement when it had no credibility, and he served as an important father figure to a generation of kids from the 1960's who did not have fathers--the so-called "Jesus People" movement.

But his theology has long been suspect.  He's not only made a number of nutty end-times predictions (see my last "Who Said That?"), but he is militant in his opposition to Reformed theology in particular and Reformational theology in general.  At best, he's a classic Arminian.  At worst, he's a thorough-going Pelagian.  His theology is characterized by an ecclecticism typical of independent Bible Church fundamentalism. 

Having attended Calvary Chapel back in the 1970's, I've long thought one of his most erroneous (and dangerous) notions was his view that church government is grounded in a one-to-one relationship between the pastor and Jesus (called the "Moses Model"--see Click here: The Philosophy of Ministry of Calvary Chapel). 

The Moses Model positions the pastor as the one who communicates the will of God to the church--not only in terms of theological teaching, but also in terms of overall ministry management and direction.  The pastor is elevated above other church officers (pastors) and "board members."  What the pastor says, God says . . .  Calvary Chapels have always been secretive about money and their finances--a fruit of this approach to church government.

Chuck Smith does not see a proper role for deacons and elders as is so clearly taught in the New Testament.  Many people consider "ecclesiology" the least important loci of Christian doctrine and don't give things like this much thought.  But this is what happens when you don't.

And so, not surprisingly, the chickens have come home to roost with the sad scandal going in Albuquerque and Southern California as reported recently in Christianity Today (H. T. my friend and colleague Danny Hyde--

If you've ever attended a Calvary Chapel (or still do) you need to read this article carefully (see the link below).  This is what happens when ministers place themselves above Scripture ("just me and Jesus") and above other church officers (i.e., a group of elders who watch the pastor's life and doctrine).  This is what happens when church business is conducted in secret and when budgets are hidden from the congregation.  If this is not a good argument for Reformed/Presbyterian church government--which protects both ministers and church members from each other--I don't know what is!

It is all very sad.  But it is not at all surprising . . .



Who Said That?

question mark.jpgCan you guess who uttered these rather embarrassing words?

"From my understanding of biblical prophecies, I'm convinced that the Lord is coming for his Church before the end of 1981.  I could be wrong, but its a deep conviction in my heart and all my plans are predicated on that belief.  In 1986, Halley's Comet is coming again.  Jesus said that prior to His return in glory there'd be signs in the heavens.  Halley's Comet could be one of those signs . . ."

As usual, no cheating--google searches or otherwise!  Answer to follow in a few days.


Could It Be . . .

nero.jpgCould it be Nero?  He put Peter and Paul to death and delighted in the torture of Christians . . .





pope leo x.jpg

Could it be Pope Leo X?  He excommunicated Luther . . .





How about Henry Kissinger?  A Jew and a big supporter of a one-world government . . .




king juan carlos.jpg

What about King Juan Carlos of Spain?  He has the royal pedigree to preside over a revived Roman Empire . . .





And then there's Ronald Wilson Reagan.  His name has the right number of letters . . . Six, six, six . . .





Could it be Damien?  He's that Satanic little brat . . .




pope benedict xvi.jpg

How about Benedict XVI?  Many Protestants have thought it could be the pope . . .




nicolae carpathia.jpg

How about Nicolae Carpathia?  Not in Tim LaHaye's wildest dreams . . .





george steinbrenner.jpg

George Steinbrenner?  Only if you are a Red Sox Fan . . .









Who could it be?


You'll have to buy the book to find out . . .


Man of sin.gif









I just got my copy from Baker.  It should be available soon!

How's that for a bit of shameless self-promotion!

By the way . . .  Its a book about the Antichrist, not an autobiography!



Incredibly Tacky Biblical Action Figures

Looking for some distinctly Christian entertainment to keep the kids away from "secular" pursuits?  How about a line of "Christian" action figures to keep the kiddos busy?

You can take your choice between a very white Adam, and a dark-skinned Adam!

adam-b.gif           adam.gif


mary-b.gif jesus-b.gif

Then you can pick between a black or white Jesus (with a black or white Mary, of course).  Jesus comes complete with action grip hand! 

But my Favorite is Job -- he comes complete with sores!  job.gif

Unfortunately, the sores don't show up as well on the optional black Job.

To see the entire tacky line, Click here: train up a child biblical action figures,Jesus Action Figure, biblical action figures, bible action figures, jesus

(H. T. Rich Gilbert)


The Romans Revolution Continues

whirushmore-smaller.jpgWhat do Westminster Seminary California students do when they have way too much time on their hands?  They get to work in Photoshop and make pictures like this one!

Actually, this was done by one of the White Horse Inn staff members just to let us know that listening to so many hours of the White Horse Inn has driven him to this.

In all seriousness, we do have a great staff and a number of volunteers who do a great job with both the White Horse Inn ( and ModernReformation magazine (  Thanks to all of you! 

I guess if the rock band Deep Purple (Deep Purple "In Rock") could put their faces on Mount Rushmore, so can the White Horse Inn hosts!

Remember, the Romans Revolution continues at the White Horse Inn!


Who Said That?

question mark.jpgOK, who said this?  No cheating or google searches!  Answer to follow in a few days . . .

"As we have learned from Almighty God in the words of Holy Scripture, that the end of the present world is already near and that the unending kingdom of the saints is approaching.  As this same end of the world is drawing nigh, many unusual things will happen--climate changes, terrors from heaven, unseasonable tempests, wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes.  All of these things are not to come in our own days, but they will follow upon our times."