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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from November 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007


More Interesting Links

Links.jpgLee Irons has an insightful discussion of John M. G. Barkclay's response to N. T. Wright's understanding of Paul and Empire (two parts).  Click here: The Upper Register Blog

Ron Paul is probably not happy about this endorsement!  Click here: - 'BunnyRanch' Brothel Owner Endorses Underdog GOP Candidate Ron Paul - Politics | Republican Party |

Has the gospel gone "green" at your church.  Stay tuned, this might explain the funny light bulbs and the recycling center in the narthex!  Click here: More churches preaching 'environmental gospel' (

You might say the Kentucky creation museum is "evolving."   Click here: Kentucky's Creation Museum expanding -

Remember Ron Popeil?  If you don't, here are eleven of his essential inventions including the Veg-O-Matic and the Pocket Fisherman.  Click here: Howstuffworks "11 Items Sold by Ron Popeil"

I'll bet you didn't know there were two "White Horse Medias."  The other one thinks the USA is the beast of Revelation 13.  Click here: Pentagon and Senate Report from Steve Wohlberg


New Book from Horton, Godfrey, Riddlebarger, Venema, Hyde, et al

Called%20to%20Serve.jpgRev. Michael Brown (pastor of Christ United Reformed Church of Santee, and Mike Horton's pastor) has put together a fine collection of essays for deacons and elders.

Here's the description from the editor:

Called to Serve is a book designed to help train and equip elders and deacons for their task as officers in Christ's church. It is the work of twelve authors, including Michael Horton, W. Robert Godfrey, Kim Riddlebarger, Cornelis Venema, and Danny Hyde. There are chapters on the nature, duties, and spiritual life of elders and deacons, why elders must know, love, and defend sound doctrine, how elders should oversee the minister's administration of sacraments and maintain its purity, church discipline, family visitation, diaconal ministry, how an elders' meeting functions, etc. There is also an appendix that outlines a ten-week training course for elders and deacons that can be used as a training course for potential new officers or as a refresher course for those already serving in office. 

For more information about the book, Click here: pilgrim people-christ urc-reformed - the latest post

To order, Click here: Called to Serve: Essays for Elders and Deacons: Books: Michael Brown



Through the Obedience of the One -- Romans 5:12-21

romans%20fragment.jpgThe Twelfth in a Series of Sermons on Paul's Epistle to the Romans

Earlier in Romans, Paul spoke about the gravity of human sin and its impact upon the human race.  Paul’s assessment of the human condition is bleak: “there is no one righteous, no not one.  All have turned away.”  But Paul has also spoken of the way in which ungodly sinners (including Jew and Gentile) are delivered from their sins through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In Romans 5:12-21, Paul will deal with the source of human sin (Adam) as well as contrast Adam with that one who undid the consequences of Adam’s sin (Jesus Christ–the second Adam).

If the first eleven verses of Romans 5 were packed with important theological terms, the last ten verses of Romans 5 deal with two of the key figures in the drama of redemption–the first of the human race and the savior of the human race.  The first man, Adam, is both the biological as well as the federal head of the human race and our representative before God.  Adam served in both of these capacities during a time of probation in Eden under terms of the covenant of works.  In Genesis 3 (our Old Testament lesson) we read of how Adam’s probation turned out–not very well.  As the Puritans used to say “in Adam’s fall, sinned we all.”

But death is not the final word for God’s people.  Where sin abounds, grace super-abounds!  As the second Adam, Jesus Christ stands as the living head and federal representative of all those redeemed and justified, all those whom the father had chosen in Christ, and for whom he performs his priestly work.  Throughout Romans 5:12-21, Jesus is depicted by Paul as the second Adam, whose perfect obedience unto death (unlike the disobedience of the first Adam), effectively overturns the sentence of death which now hangs over the human race as a result of Adam’s fall into sin.

While this is a very important passage, doctrinally speaking, it is also one of the most widely interpreted.  The key point is the meaning of the phrase in verse 12, “because all sinned.”  A brief word about the structure of the passage and the subsequent history of its interpretation is necessary.  The main point of contention can be seen by looking at any modern English translation of this passage.  Verse 12 ends with a dash, indicating that Paul breaks off in mid-thought in verses 13-17 to explain what he just said.  It is not until verse 18 that Paul returns to and completes the thought broken off in mid-sentence in verse 12.  Keeping this in mind is important to understand the passage correctly. 

To read the rest of this sermon, click here 


And They Came to Life and Reigned with Christ for a Thousand Years -- Revelation 20:1-15

Revelation%20--%20vision%20of%20John.jpgThe Twenty-Eighth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Revelation

For many Christians, the mere mention of the millennium (the thousand years of Revelation 20) brings to mind images of lions lying down with lambs, children safely playing with poisonous snakes and Jesus ruling over all the nations of the earth while seated on David’s throne in the city of Jerusalem.  It is argued that Jesus’ rule guarantees a one thousand-year period of universal peace upon the earth.  But is this really what we find in Revelation chapter 20?  No, it is not.  

The question of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the proper interpretation of Revelation 20 has been a divisive one almost from the beginning of the Christian church.  In those churches in which I was raised, premillennialism was regarded as a test of orthodoxy and anyone who wasn’t premillennial was probably either a theological liberal or a Roman Catholic, neither of whom took the plain teaching of the Bible very seriously.  Premillennialism, which is far and away the dominant view held by American evangelicals, teaches that in Revelation 20, John is describing that period of time after Jesus Christ returns to earth.

At first glance, the premillennial argument is iron-clad.  If Revelation 19 describes Jesus Christ’s second coming, then what follows in Revelation 20 must describe what happens after Christ’s return.  On this view, Christ’s return comes before the thousand years begin, hence his coming is “pre” millennial, or before the millennial age. 

Premillennarians believe that when John speaks of a thousand years, he means a literal one thousand years.  The first resurrection, mentioned by John in this passage, is thought to be a reference the bodily resurrection of believers at the end of the age when Christ returns.  Premillennarians believe that when John speaks of the binding of Satan, which begins the thousand years, he must be referring to that period of time after our Lord returns when Satan is literally bound with a chain by an angel, placed in a pit, and thereby prevented from deceiving the nations while Christ is ruling on the earth.  It is the binding of Satan which guarantees the thousand years of peace supposedly mentioned in this passage.

Having been taught premillennialism from my earliest youth, it came as a quite a shock when I learned that the historic Protestant position taught by all the Reformers, the Lutheran and Reformed churches which they founded, and expressed in all of the Reformed confessions, and which is still held by the vast majority of our theologians, is that known as amillennialism.  Although amillennialism literally means “no millennium,” it is better to understand this as a present millennialism.  Amillennarians believe that the millennial age refers to the present reign of Jesus Christ in heaven and that the thousand years is a symbolic reference to the entire period of time between Christ’s first coming and his second advent. 

To read the rest of this sermon, click here 


Eric Clapton's  Autobiography

Clapton%20autobiography.jpgEric Clapton's long-awaited autobiography, Clapton, will be interesting reading for those who grew up on Hendrix, Cream and Led Zeppelin.  To this day, I can't listen to a Cream song without thinking of old friends, good times and my 1965 El Camino complete with an eight-track tape player in the glove-box.  I spent many an hour with my Luxman amp and massive JBL speakers cranked up loud in my bedroom listening to Cream while I did homework.  My poor mother . . .

Clapton's life story is pretty much what you'd expect--drugs, girls and music.  The book is basically the story of Clapton's struggle with various addictions (primarily heroin, alcohol, and Pattie Boyd Harrison) and his never-ending quest to create the ultimate blues album.  Clapton is pretty straight-forward throughout.  No boasting about his conquests.  No repentance either.  He is remarkably humble about his talent and accomplishments and has played with about every rock and blues musician you can name.

While my interest in Clapton stems from his Cream days, Clapton looks upon that phase of his music as frustrating, drug-fueled and ego-driven.  The famous Cream jams (from their various "live" albums) were indeed chemically sustained.  This is an era which Clapton does not recall with fondness.  I guess it was better to listen to Clapton, than it was to be Clapton.

The turning point in Clapton's life came when he finally achieved sobriety about twenty-years ago.  Ironically, Clapton claims to have found no real happiness in life until some years later when he met and married his current wife who gave him three daughters.  Here's a guy who had everything the world tells us we need to have (more money than you can count, fame which secures whatever you want), and yet, who is not at all happy until he stops drinking, finds the love of his life and then settles down to raise his family.  Funny how that works.

There's no conversion story or happy ending.  Clapton was married and had his children baptized in the Church of England.  His "god" is the unknown higher-power of the twelve-step program.  But in light of the questions he raises, you certainly get the sense that if someone in his circle could only explain law-gospel to him, as well as explain to him that the power of music comes from the fact that we are divine-image bearers who will sing God's praises for all eternity, he just might listen.  Maybe the grace of God will reach him yet.

There are some minor surprises.  Clapton doesn't say as much about the tragic death of his son, Conor, as you might expect.  This tragedy occurred when Clapton was just finding himself after giving up alcohol.  He describes being completely numb to pretty much everything after so many years of heavy drinking.

Clapton also speaks about hanging out with his good friend Jimi Hendrix back in the day.  The two of them would go from club to club throughout London and then jam with whatever band happened to be playing.  Imagine a local garage band plugging away, only to be joined on stage by Clapton and Hendrix!  Now that would have been a blast for the band as well as for those lucky enough to have been in the audience.

All in all, a good read.  But know what you are getting in advance. 


MP3 of My Interview on KFUO (Issues, Etc.)

kfuo_logo_large.gifI was interviewed yesterday by Todd Wilkens from Issues, Etc., on Monday.  We discussed my recent article "Using God" in Modern ReformationClick here: Modern Reformation - Articles

To hear the broadcast, Click here: KFUO Home

BTW--Ken Samples followed me yesterday (he was discussing Islam), and Horton is on today.


Just How Bad Is John Hagee's Theology?

John%20Hagee%202.jpgIt is hardly breaking news that Hagee's got some weird hyper-dispensational ideas about Israel and that he's become very active in certain political circles.  But what about these comments?

"Jesus did not come to be the Messiah"

Jesus was killed as part of a "Calvary Conspiracy"

Jesus "did not claim to be the Messiah"

Check it out for yourself, Click here: John Hagee Jesus NOT Messiah(audio|video perfect)

All of this nonsense so as to sell his book, "In Defense of Israel."  


Some Interesting Links

Links.jpgAin't paganism grand?  If you want to "lower your carbon footprint" you just abort your baby.  Click here: - Woman Aborts Child To Help Save the Planet - International News | News of the World | Middle East Ne

Pastors, next time your church plans to host the local ecumenical rally, make sure you know who's turn it is to preside over the service!  Click here: Church rejects interfaith service on its property

"Praise the Lord" and "lock and load!"  Should chaplains be armed?  Click here: Army chaplains want right to carry weapons to protect themselves against the Taliban | the Daily Mail

I hate it when someone coughs up a ten pound hair-ball!  Talk about a gross picture . . .  Click here: - Surgeons Remove Ten-Pound Hairball From Teen Girl's Stomach - Health News | Current Health News | Me

Surprise, surprise, the Paulk brothers are caught in another sex scandal.  And your uncle the bishop?  Well . . .  He's really your father.  Click here: Sex scandal hits Atlanta-area megachurch (


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"I do think that Paul actually makes a clear distinction in time between the future justification or judgment (those are the same word, basically), and present justification, which is on the basis of faith. I think he keeps those in absolute and appropriate tension throughout, because the point about justification by faith in the present is that it is the anticipation in the present, on the basis of faith, of the verdict which will be issued in the future on the basis of the entirety of the life led."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches! 


Take a Guess . . .

Check out these numbers from a well-known Christian endeavor.  These are from fiscal 2004.  Pretty amazing.  If you want to take a guess as to who's they are, leave it the comments section below.  723 million in assets???? 

Primary Revenue $171,777,759
Other Revenue $16,374,320
Total Revenue $188,152,079
Program Expenses $83,257,366
Administrative Expenses $20,559,642
Fundraising Expenses $15,550,134
Total Functional Expenses $119,367,142
Payments to Affiliates $0
Excess (or Deficit) for the year $68,784,937
Net Assets $723,135,061