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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from November 1, 2011 - November 30, 2011


Oldest Known Photo of a Baseball Game

Someone put up a link to this photo on a Yankee blog a while back, and I thought some of you might enjoy it.

The photographer was taking a picture of Company K, of the 48th Regiment of the New York Volunteers, at Fort Pulaski, Georgia, in Savannah Harbor in 1862.  Behind Company K are a group of soldiers playing baseball.  Supposedly, this is the oldest known photo of a baseball game.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 28-December 4)

Sunday Morning (12/04):  For the second Sunday in Advent we are addressing the prophecy of Malachi 2:17-4:6, and its fulfillment in Zechariah's vision (Luke 1:57-80).

Sunday Afternoon:  We take up a discussion Lord's Day 26 of our catechism and Q & A 69-71 which deal with the sacrament of baptism.  Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study:  We are continuing our series on the sacraments, and this week we'll be going through the biblical-theological background of the covenants.  Bible study begins at 7:00 p.m.

The Academy:  The Academy meets Friday night, December 2 @ 7:30 p.m., as we are working our way through the second chapter of Mike Horton's theology text, The Christian Faith.

Also Ken Samples is continuing his series on his forthcoming book, "CLEAR Pointers to God:  The Biblical God as the Best Explanation for the Meaningful Realities of Life." Ken's book will be released by Baker Books in the spring-summer of 2012. 

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"Preach the Word" -- A Sermon for the Ordination of Mr. Chris Coleman

Here's the audio from this morning's ordination sermon.  This was a great day in the life of our church!

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Repentance and Personal Transformation

On the previous edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts discussed the problems associated with a “try it, you’ll like it” approach to the Christian faith. But does the Christian faith make a practical difference in a person’s life? Should converts to Christianity expect to experience real transformation? How should we think about remaining sin? Will Christians continue to struggle with habitual sins, or is that possibly a sign that they are not really true believers? The hosts tackle these questions and more on this edition of the program (originally aired June 22, 2008).

Click Here


Mike Horton on Thanksgiving and Gratitude 

While I was doing another lame google search for new Thanksgiving images so as to leave the annual generic Thanksgiving wishes here on my blog, Michael Horton was busy crafting an incredibly insightful essay on a theology of thankfulness/gratitude. 

So, instead of yet another picture of a Turkey dinner with all the fixins, I'll suggest you take a moment and read Horton's essay.  You can find it here: Horton on the Thanksgiving Parade

I have much for which to be thankful--my wife and family, church, friends, etc.  But I am also thankful to have a friend and compatriot that is as insightful as Michael Horton!

A blessed and happy thanksgiving to all of you!


"Do Not Becomes Slaves of Men" -- 1 Corinthians 7:17-40

The Thirteenth in a Series of Sermons on 1 Corinthians

Paul does not give us the specifics, but he speaks as though the Corinthian church is in the midst of some sort of serious crisis.  While Paul has spoken in some detail about the pressing issues facing this church–the love of pagan wisdom, the rampant sexual immorality, the fact that Christians were suing each other in secular courts and failing to discipline erring members–Paul now speaks of unspecified dire circumstances confronting the Christians in Corinth.  This crisis is the reason why Paul urges the members of this church to devote themselves to solving this crisis, and why in the meantime the Corinthians should remain in their current social status until things are resolved.

As we saw last time, Paul is responding to a letter from the Corinthians in which they asked the apostle a number of specific questions about marriage and celibacy.  In the opening part of chapter 7, Paul discusses marriage and the question of what to do when one party to the marriage becomes a believer while the other party remains an unbeliever.  Paul now moves on to address a Christian’s social status at the time of their conversion.  Three times in balance of chapter 7, Paul affirms the general principle “stay as you were when called.”  The issues here are very practical.  When someone becomes a Christian, they are now a bond-servant of Jesus Christ.  How does this relate to their social standing?  If they are uncircumcised, do they now submit to circumcision to avoid conflict with Jews?  Should Gentiles begin to live as Jews?  Should Jews seek to undo their Jewishness?  Do the limits placed upon slaves by their masters infringe upon their freedom (standing) in Christ?  What should slaves do once they become Christians?  Must they stay slaves, or is slavery incompatible with Christianity?  And then what about young women, betrothed to be married–what to do about them in the midst of the current crisis?

To read the rest of this sermon, Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 21-27)

Sunday Morning (11/27): We are pleased to announce that we will be ordaining Mr. Chris Coleman to the office of minister of word and sacrament. This is a time of great joy for Mr. Coleman and his family, as well as for the Christ Reformed Church family.

BTW--the photo is our last ordination service (June 2008), the ordination of Rev. Andrew Compton.

Sunday Afternoon: Ken Samples will be conducting our afternoon service. Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Thanksgiving Service (11/24): On Thursday at 10:00 a.m., we are holding our annual Thanksgiving service. You are condially invited to join us. Rev. Compton is preaching and the offering is designated for our benevolence fund.

No Wednesday Night Bible Study this week.

No Academy this week.

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church


"The Reproach of Christ" -- Hebrews 11:23-28

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon.

Click Here


Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture

Here's the audio from Ken Samples' Friday night Academy lecture (11/18): “Clear Pointers to God  - Explanatory Power and Broad Scope of Christian Theism – Is Jesus a Man, Myth, Madman, Menace, Mystic, Martian, or the Messiah?” 

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Gospel of Pragmatism

Why do so many contemporary churches or best-selling Christian books focus almost exclusively on practical application rather than doctrinal truth? Why do most Christians prefer to talk about their own testimonies or changed lives, rather than arguing for the truth of the Christian faith? On this edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts take a look at the philosophy of pragmatism and its effects on contemporary Christian thought and practice (originally aired June 15, 2008).

Click Here