Living in Light of Two Ages
Entries from September 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012
This Week's White Horse Inn

Parenting with Discipline and Grace
On this program, Mike Horton sits down with special guests Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson, authors of Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus. Elyse and Jessica discovered that much of their parenting was based on the power of guilt rather than the gospel of grace. Recorded before a live audience in Southern California, the authors share stories of parenting and childhood, and offer a better way for exhausted moms and dads to see God at work in the lives of their children.
This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 24-30)

Sunday Morning (9/30): This coming Lord's Day I will be preaching on the "Lamb of God" and my text will be John 1:29-34.
Sunday Afternoon: Ken Samples is conducting our catechism service (@ 1:15 p.m).
Wednesday Night Bible Study (9/26): We return to our series on the sacraments, wrapping up our discussion of baptism, before we move on in the coming weeks to discuss the Lord's Supper.
The Academy: The Academy resumes on Friday, October 5. When we resume, we'll begin with a four week discussion of two important books. The first book is Ross Douthat's Bad Religion (Click Here). The second is James Davison Hunter's To Change the World (Click Here). If you plan on attending, it would be a good idea to purchase these books in advance and begin reading them.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
"The Testimony of John" -- John 1:19-28

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the fifth in a series on the Gospel of John.
This Week's White Horse Inn

Your Own Personal Jesus
It is often said that Christianity is a relationship not a religion. But is this statement accurate? What are people really saying when they boil the gospel down to the idea of a “personal relationship with Jesus”? Why does this approach appeal to so many Christians in our time? On this edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts interact with this popular idea and compare it to Scripture.
A Great New Resource at Monergism.Com

The good folks at have done it again! They have provided an easy to access series of MP3 sermons (by solid preachers) on every chapter of the Bible in biblical order.
You can find it here: MP3 Sermon library By Scripture
I cannot imagine the hours of hard work which went into preparing this. John, step back from your computer for a bit. You'll go blind! But I'm sure your hard work be a blessing to all.
This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 17-23)

Sunday Morning (9/23): We are in the first chapter of John's Gospel, and this coming Lord's Day I will be preaching on John the Baptist (John 1:19-28).
Sunday Afternoon: I am leading our afternoon catechism service and we will be taking up Lord's Day 41, and the seventh commandment. Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: Resumes September 26 as we continue our series on the sacraments.
The Academy: The Academy resumes on Friday, October 5. When we resume, we'll begin with a four week discussion of two important books. The first book is Ross Douthat's Bad Religion (Click Here). The second is James Davison Hunter's To Change the World (Click Here). If you plan on attending, it would be a good idea to purchase these books in advance and begin reading them.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
"The Word Became Flesh" -- John 1:1-18

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the fourth in a series on the Gospel of John.
This Week's White Horse Inn

Christianity vs. Pop Spirituality
What is the typical message one is likely to find in the “Religion and Spirituality” section of a local bookstore, and how does that view differ from classical Christianity? On this program, the hosts contrast the historic Christian gospel with numerous bestselling alternatives, from both the world of New Age spirituality as well as many of the “practical” books in the “Christian Living” section of a typical evangelical bookstore.
Horton Reviews Kingdom Through Covenant

Kingdom Through Covenant has been touted as presenting a significant alternative between covenant theology and dispensationalism. I must confess that I own the volume, but have not yet had a chance to read it.
Mike Horton was asked to review the book and offer his assessment. You can find that review here: Horton's Review of Kingdom Through Covenant