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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages



This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 26-December 2)

Sunday Morning (12/2):  We begin a four part Advent series on messianic prophecy.  This week we will look at Genesis 3 and the account of the fall of the human race and God's promise to send a redeemer.

Sunday Afternoon:  I am leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m.  We will be covering Lord's Day 46 and begin working our way through the Lord's Prayer.

Wednesday Night Bible Study (11/28):  We are discussing the Old Testament background to the Lord's Supper as part of our on-going series on the sacraments.

The Academy (11/30):  We will be discussing Mike Horton's theology text, The Christian Faith.  We are now in chapter 4, "Scripture as Covenant Canon."  The Academy begins at 7:30 p.m. 

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"Whoever Believes" -- John 3:22-36

Here's the audio from Sunday's sermon.  Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Gospel According to Isaiah (Part Two)

Part of the Israelites’ new responsibility after the Exodus from Egypt was to serve “eviction notices” to the pagan nations then occupying the land. Over time, however, God’s covenant people disobeyed him and eventually became indistinguishable from their pagan neighbors. Through the prophet Isaiah, God responded to this unfaithfulness and told his people they too would soon be evicted from the land. The hosts continue their exploration of the book of Isaiah and discuss how God begins to reveal more about the coming messianic deliverer, not only through Isaiah’s words of judgment and condemnation, but also through promises of comfort and grace.

Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 19-25)

Sunday Morning (11/25):  We are continuing our series on the Gospel of John.  I'll be covering John 3:22-36, and the John the Baptist's decrease.

Sunday Afternoon:  Ken Samples will be leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m. 

Wednesday Night Bible Study (11/21):  No Bible study this week.

Thanksgiving Service (11/22):  Join us for our Thanksgiving service at 10:00 a.m.  Rev. Chris Coleman will be leading our service.

The Academy (11/23):  No Academy this week.  Its Black Friday!   

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"For God So Loved the World" -- John 3:16

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:    Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Gospel According to Isaiah

What was the role of an Old Testament prophet, and how are we to interpret this kind of literature in our own day? What are the particular themes and messages that the prophet Isaiah addresses? How are the blessings and curses mentioned throughout this prophecy related to covenants already established? How is Christ revealed throughout this book? The hosts will deal with these questions and more as they begin a new six-part series on “The Gospel According to Isaiah.”

Click Here


Yet Another Shameless Plug

Baker Books has reissued the Kindle version of my book A Case for Amillennialism

You can find it here:  A Case for Amillennialism -- Kindle


White Horse Inn -- 2012 Update


A Shameless Plug



That didn't take long. 

As soon as Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States by an overwhelming margin, we started hearing the whispers.  Could he be the Antichrist?  While no one came out and said it (that I know of), many were thinking about the possibility.  I know because several people have asked me.

I also know people were entertaining this thought because at least one prominent evangelical openly raised the spectre of Obama's relationship to a future Antichrist.  According to the Christian Post, "Robert Jeffress, senior pastor at the First Baptist Church in Dallas, made remarks on Sunday before the election that should Obama win, his victory would lead to the reign of the Antichrist.

`I want you to hear me tonight, I am not saying that President Obama is the Antichrist, I am not saying that at all.  One reason I know he's not the Antichrist is the Antichrist is going to have much higher poll numbers when he comes,' said Jeffress."  (To read the whole story, click here)

Since Obama's popular vote numbers and electoral college victory exceeded just about everyone's expectations (Nate Silver excepted), you wonder how Jeffress feels about Obama now.

The biblical teaching regarding the Antichrist is not only fascinating (at least to me), but ought to be given serious consideration by anyone who wonders about the identification of any contemporary political figure with the dreaded man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2).
May I suggest my own book on the topic? You can find more info here: Man of Sin -- Ordering Information


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 12-18)

Sunday Morning (11/18):  We return to our series on the Gospel of John and our text this Lord's Day is John 3:16-21.  I'll be covering what is perhaps the best known biblical passage, John 3:16.

Sunday Afternoon:  I am leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m.  We will be covering Lord's Day 45 and the relationship between prayer and gratitude.

Wednesday Night Bible Study (11/14):  We are discussing the Last Supper as a Passover meal as part of our on-going series on the sacraments.

The Academy (11/16):  We will be discussing Mike Horton's theology text, The Christian Faith.  We'll resume our discusson of general revelation.  The Academy begins at 7:30 p.m.   

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church