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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries in Who Said That? (228)


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Faith is the surrender of the mind; it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals.  It's our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me.  Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated."

OK . . .  Who said that?  Please no cheating or google searches.  Please leave your guess in the comments section. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Father, Your trust in me has been so great, I must be worthy. You created me, and know me as I am. And yet You placed Your Son's salvation in my hands, and let it rest on my decision. I must be beloved of You indeed. And I must be steadfast in holiness as well, that You would give Your Son to me in certainty that he is safe Who still is part of You, and yet is mine, because He is my Self."

You know the drill!  Leave your guesses in the comments section below. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"The fact that brief exposure to a message asserting that there is no such thing as free will can increase both passive and active cheating raises the concern that advocating a deterministic worldview could undermine moral behavior."

Leave your guesses in the comments section below.  No google searches! 


Who Said That?


“I want to apologize to my wife for all she's had to go through.”

 Please leave your guesses in the comments section below.  No google searches!


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpgWhen asked "is belief in Christ is needed for going to heaven?"

_______ answered, "That one I'm a little more open to.  I think that it is, as we understand our relationship to God as Christians, it is how we see our way forward, and it is the way.  But, ever since I was little . . . I've asked every Sunday school teacher I've ever had, I asked every theologian I've ever talked with, whether that meant that there was no salvation, there was no heaven for people who did not accept Christ. And, you're well aware that there are a lot of answers to that. There are people who are totally rooted in the fact that, no, that's why there are missionaries, that's why you have to try to convert. And, then there are a lot of other people who are deeply faithful and deeply Christ-centered who say, that's how we understand it and who are we to read God's mind about such a weighty decision as that."

You know the drill . . .  Who said that?  Leave your answer in the comments section below. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg“They have church on TV down here [MLB Spring training in Florida], you don’t have to leave the couch.”

You know how this works, leave your guess in the comments section. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"For the believer of Reformed convictions, there is a strong allegiance to historical roots and continuity, especially insofar as the historic Reformation is concerned, distinctly emanating from Wittenberg, Geneva, and  Westminster. . . . Such claims call for a response that clearly exposes the shameful legacy of historic amillennialism,  which  is really the eschatology of Roman Catholicism."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches! 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg“This is not just the head of the Lutheran Church or a Methodist bishop. It's something different. He is a prophet. ... He can speak for God.”

You all know the drill!  Leave your guess in the comments.  Please, no google searches!


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg“It strikes me that Playboy is a religious magazine, though I will admit I have a peculiar understanding of the meaning of the word. What I mean is that the magazine tells its readers how to get into heaven. It tells them what is important in life, delineates an ethics for them, tells them how to relate to others, tells them what to lavish their attention and energy upon, gives them a model of a kind of person to be. It expresses a consistent world view, a system of values, a philosophical outlook.  

Not only does Playboy create a new image of the ideal man, it also creates a slick little universe all its own, creates what you might call an alternative version of reality in which men may live in their minds. It's a light and jolly kind of universe, a world in which a man can be forever carefree, where a man can remain, like Peter Pan, a boy forever and ever. There are no nagging demands and responsibilities, no complexities or complications.

But for the most part, the magazine is, I would expect, pretty harmless. It amuses its readers by creating a delightful imaginary world for them, a world that they find it fun to live in; and everybody needs a little fun now and then. ”

Who said that?  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches! 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Thus, we look in vain for a statement in which Paul would speak about himself as an actual sinner.  When he speaks about his conscience, he witnesses to his good conscience before men and God."

OK, who said that?  You know the drill!  No google searches or cheating.  Leave your guess in the comments section.