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Entries in Who Said That? (228)


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Obedience is the number one ingredient to Life Eternal; yet, it’s the very least practiced among the religious world.  We will all be sentenced and receive our reward according to our works. Notice first The Book of Yahweh.  Revelation 22:12— And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be."

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Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Every pastor in America knew who I was because I put all of my sermons on an Internet site and it gets 400,000 hits a day from pastors. And so, instead of me teaching it on the radio or TV, we put it on the Internet and we allow other pastors to take this material and use it."

You know how this works!  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  No google searches or cheating. 



Who Said That?


"These two versions of Jesus--the sketchy historical figure and the abstract theological creation--hold a tragic aspect for me, because I blame them for stealing something precious: the Jesus who taught his followers how to reach God-consciousness. I want to offer the possibility that Jesus was truly, as he proclaimed, a savior. Not the savior, not the one and only Son of God. Rather, Jesus embodied the highest level of enlightenment. He spent his brief adult life describing it, teaching it, and passing it on to future generations. Jesus intended to save the world by showing others the path to God-consciousness."

Who said that?  Please, no google searches please.  Leave your guess in the comments section below. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"I know, I know, it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination. But isn’t that the same Bible that says you should stone to death heretics or anyone who doesn’t believe the same things you do? Isn’t that what we call terrorists, fanatics, or fundamentalists in another country?"

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Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"A thread of hatred runs through the New Testament."

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Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Teachings that pointed the way beyond the dysfunction of the human mind, the way out of the collective insanity, were distorted and became themselves part of the insanity.  And so religions, to a large extent, became divisive rather than unifying forces. Instead of bringing about an ending of violence and hatred through a realization of the fundamental oneness of all life, they brought more violence and hatred, more divisions between people as well as between different religions and even within the same religion."

OK, who said that?  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches! 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"It also seemed good that the Eucharist should not be given to the bodies of the dead.  For it is written:  Take, Eat, but the bodies of the dead can neither take nor eat.  Nor let the ignorance of the presbyters baptize those who are dead."

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Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg “Beyond these models of reconciliation, a theology of mysticism provides some hope for common ground between Christianity and Islam. Both religions have within their histories examples of ecstatic union with God … I do not know what to make of the Muslim mystics, especially those who have come to be known as the Sufis. What do they experience in their mystical experiences? Could they have encountered the same God we do in our Christian mysticism?”

You know the drill . . .  Leave your guess in the comments section.  No google searches, please! 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpgA noted pro-choice Catholic had this to say:  "I think the church can only do what it believes and I respect that.  [But]  I can't do anything other than what I believe. . . . I always take Communion when I go to church, and I go to church regularly. . . . God gave us all a free will and a responsibility to be accountable and to live up to our responsibilities, and that's how I see it. . . . The church sees it another way."

Who said that?  No google searches or cheating.  Leave your guess in the comments section below. 


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg[Universal] bishop is “a word of proud address that I have forbidden….None of my predecessors ever wished to use this profane word [‘universal’]….But I say it confidently, because whoever calls himself ‘universal bishop’ or wishes to be so called, is in his self-exaltation Antichrist’s precursor, for in his swaggering he sets himself before the rest.”

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