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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Future of Anglicanism

On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with Dr. David Virtue about his efforts to promote a new Global Orthodox Anglicanism in the midst of widespread liberalism. Later in the broadcast, Dr. Horton talks with retired Episcopal Bishop C. FitzSimons-Allison about the problem of Pelagianism and the crucial importance of recovering the doctrines of justification and imputation in our time.



The Academy Is Back!  Tonight!

The Fall Academy session @ Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim begins tonight @ 7:30 p.m.   Professor Kenneth Samples will be giving a lecture entitled "In Memory of Walter Martin (1928-1989): The Original Bible Answer Man."

In light of the 20th anniversary of Walter Martin's death (June 26, 2009) professor Samples will share six apologetic lessons that he learned from his mentor and former boss Walter Ralston Martin.

For more info, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News

To check out the Fall schedule, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Schedule of Academy Classes and Author's Forums


More Two Kingdoms Confusion - This Time from the Left

During a heated political debate--such as the on-going spat over health care reform--politicians are sore tempted to play the religion card as they troll for support.

Most often, it is the Christian right which is criticized in our circles, presumably because the activism of the "Christian" right is easier to spot.  Those in my circle have few dealings with the theologically liberal left.

So, when President Obama plays the religion card and in full campaign mode tells a group of religious leaders "we are God's partners in matters of life and death" and then asks them to "tell the stories of health care dilemmas to illustrate what is a stake" in their preaching, he is as guilty of confusing the two kingdoms as anyone on the Christian right has ever been.  (Click here: Army of the Lord? Obama Seeks Health Care Push From Pulpit - Political News -

If it is argued that government intrusion into personal health decisions and in funding "full reproductive rights" (a code word for abortion) are moral issues, and should be debated in an appropriate forum, I'll heartily agree. 

But lets keep the religion card out of political debate, and the health-care debate out of the pulpit!


Horton Reviews Wright

Mike Horton reviews N.T. Wright's latest book on justification.

You can find it here:  Click here: Wright Wednesdays » White Horse Inn Blog


Swell . . .

I shouldn't be surprised by this.  Joel's preaching actually fits pretty well with shows like "Pitchmen," "Cash Cab," and "A Haunting."  Not so much with "Shark Week" or "Man vs. Wild."


Two Kingdoms Discussion

There have been a number of useful discussions of the two kingdoms doctrine of late and I thought it might be helpful to post links to them (in case you hadn't seen them).

First up is Kevin DeYoung's discussion of the pros and cons of the two kingdoms approach to Christianity and culture, as well as that of neo-Kuyperianism.

Click here: DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed: Two Kingdom Theology and Neo-Kuyperians

The White Horse Inn blog offers responses from Jason Stellman and Darryl Hart here (Click here: Why Two Kingdoms? » White Horse Inn Blog), and here (Click here: More on Two Kingdoms » White Horse Inn Blog).

Darryl Hart weighs in on the specious argument that the civil kingdom is neutral ground because it is common ground. Click here: Old Life Theological Society » Blog Archive » Neutrality, Schnootrality


"Office Hours" -- New Audio from the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California

Here's the scoop from the seminary's website.  This looks like an invaluable resource!

Office Hours is a new monthly audio production of Westminster Seminary California, available online as an MP3 download on our website or as a podcast on iTunes.

Season I

Season I of Office Hours introduces you to the faculty of WSC through personal, 30-minute interviews, discussing biblical and exegetical questions, historical and theological questions, pastoral matters, and Christian living.

Office Hours invites you to join the faculty in their offices for a discussion of issues that are important to you and the church. Don’t miss any of these programs! Subscribe today!

The first two episodes of Office Hours will be available on August 31 on our website or on iTunes.

  • Episode 1 features an interview with W. Robert Godfrey, President of WSC and Professor of Church History
  • Episode 2 features an interview with Julius J. Kim, Associate Professor of Practical Theology

We want to hear from you!

If you have questions you would like the faculty to discuss, please send them to


This Week's White Horse Inn

A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church

Is something wrong with the soil in the evangelical garden? According to Warren Cole Smith, author of A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church, the answer to that question, unfortunately, is yes. On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with Warren about his provocative new book and the current state of evangelical Christianity.

Click here: White Horse Inn


Greetings from Mammoth Lakes!

One of our favorite places in the Eastern Sierras is Lake Mamie/Mary (just above Mammoth).  That's Crystal Crag in the background.  Nothing better than good food, good friends and family, and great scenery!

Below, some ducks look for lunch @ Twin Lakes.


Off to the Sierras

The Riddlebargers (along with some friends from church) are off to the Eastern Sierras.

In addition to rehabbing my study, so far this summer I've been able to complete a number of writing projects (a series for Tabletalk, an article for Modern Reformation, as well as a couple of chapters for a forth-coming book on the two-kingdoms).

But now its time for some R & R, and I can't think of a better place to do that than the Eastern Sierras!