Who Said That?

OK, Who Said That . . .
B. B. Warfield's doctrine of Biblical inspiration and authority is "exegetically improbable, hermeneutically defective, theologically dangerous, and educationally disastrous."
No cheating or google searches. Leave your guess in the comments section below.
Update on Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 05:56PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

These words come from James D. G. Dunn (The Living Word, Fortress, 1989, 107). I guess if Luther didn't quite understand Paul, Warfield surely didn't understand the meaning of theopneustos.
Reader Comments (14)
I doubt Spong and Crossen care about what Warfield thought if they even know who he was.
I have no idea who this is.
Now to go back and finish reading the dissertation...
When reading the style of the quote two men instantly came to mind.
Norman Geisler and Hank Hanegraaff.
However, as far as I recall and have read both of these evangelicals hold to the inerrancy of the original autographs.
You know, Kim, if the quote had been referring to Warfield's view of creation, then I think Hanegraaff would be the guess. He loves alliteration.
Clark Pinnock?