Who Said That?

Who said that?
"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first — rock and roll or Christianity."
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Update on Sunday, May 13, 2007 at 06:48PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This is a quote from John Lennon from the The Evening Standard (London, 4 March 1966). This quip prompted a huge outcry! Not only did the Beatles have long hair (remember how big a deal that was at the time), they were atheists too!
Reader Comments (31)
I recall hearing preachers use this quote again and again as to why the Beatles suddenly split up as a group.
The real Jesus of the Bible is not as well liked as the watered-down, PC Jesus we find today.
Come to think of it, the real Jesus was not too popular in his day either.
Hey, maybe John Lennon was on to something.
And unfortunately, Ivan, you're right.
For an interesting read on this, pick up "The Gospel According to the Beatles" by Steve Turner. You get the back story on this whole incident and learn a lot about drug induced religion. Fascinating stuff for Beatles fans to be sure.
"there's always something happening and nothing going on; everybody's talking, and no one says a word; strange days indeed."
i think i'll keep my album-stomping boots in the closet a little longer...
Interesting: Listen to the song "Help" then look at the response to the Beatles in the United States (especially in the Bible belt). Seems Christianity could have done more to help the hurting young musicians, but instead we chose to bash them and write them off. In many ways his comments were a response to the Christianity he had experienced.