Classis Southwest US Convenes at Christ Reformed

Christ Reformed Church is hosting Classis Southwest US (of the URCNA) this Tuesday and Wednesday (January 22-23). I'm not a delegate this time (my compatriot, Guy De Brasil is our minister delegate), but I'm participating in three ordination exams, including that of Mr. Andrew Compton, who is a member of our church and a recent graduate of Westminster Seminary California. Andrew has a great blog, which can be found here: Click here: Confessional Reformed Contemplations
So, I'll be tied up Tuesday and Wednesday with church duties and won't be able to blog. Lord willing, I'll be back on Thursday. If you are interested in attending classis (visitors are welcome) or just curious as to what goes on, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Location and Agenda. We will not be able to show you the secret handshake, however.
Please pray for those men taking their exams, and for wisdom for our churches as we meet to conduct the business of our classis.

The soon to be Rev. Andrew Compton passed his exams with flying colors!
Congrats Andrew!
Reader Comments (4)
Andrew Compton looked ready and prepared. He did a great job. Tomorrow He well finish the ordination exam.
Go Andrew
I don't understand why we would want to utilize Luther's reform of the mass?!? We're Reformed, not Lutherans or Anglicans.