The Ole Summer Slow-Down

Well, it is that time of the year when my vacation rolls around, and when the consistory at Christ Reformed grants me some time off from my church duties to write, read and study.
All of that is to say that Rev. Marcelo Souza (Guy de Brasil) will take over my duties at Christ Reformed while I take some time off. It is nice to be "preached to" for a change and to sit in the pew with my family.
We have a couple of short trips planned, and I'll be attacking the growing pile of books in my study I haven't had time to read. I'm also working on a series of articles for Tabletalk, as well as preparing for my Spring 2009 stint in the classroom @ Westminster Seminary California (Dr. David VanDrunen is on sabbatical, and I'm teaching one of his courses). I've also got a chapter due for a book on church planting, and then I have several book proposals to finish. I'll be plenty busy, but I'll get a break from the pressure that goes with pastoral work.
All of that is to say, blog posts here at the Riddleblog will slow down and be a bit sporadic for much of the summer--I'll still post when I feel like it, or if Zrim needs clobberin'.
Sorry, I won't be taking any email questions until I resume my pastoral duties again, Lord willing at the end of August.
Reader Comments (7)
Darn, I just had a big question I thought you might be able to answer- I will write it down now and then not expect an answer until the end of August- anyway, I might be able to find an answer on my own before then. The question is this- Tony Jones (one of the emerging Church's recognized leaders) stated in a interview with Todd Wilken that foundationalism (which he claims much of reformational theology is founded upon) opens up the defense of Christianity to the deconstruction process of post-modern philosophers. He did not elaborate on this and I am not sure what he means by this. I find that there is a lot of confusion and unclear definition about what these postmodernist theologians mean by foundationalism. I know it has something to do with Plato (Augustine) and Aristotle (Aquinas) and the Reason and Faith debate but could you clarify this issue a bit to me? In the meantime, I will be searching for answers from different sources but you always give such clear answers that I have learned to rely on and trust what you and your ilk say (all those at the White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation magazine).
Thanks for your suggestion to read "Seeking a better Country" by D.G. Hart- I have enjoyed it immensely so far and have a few questions about it also- but will wait until the end of the summer.