We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Blog Post . . .

I'm on vacation!
But I'm not going anywhere. I'm doing something that needs to be done, but which I've been putting off for years--I'm rehabing my study. It is a mess since a pipe burst in a wall behind my bookcases back in March.
So, activity here at the Riddleblog will be irregular for a couple of weeks while I paint, clean, and re-organize my library.
When that's done, I will begin my summer sabbatical (from my church duties). I have much to do. I'm writing a series of articles for Tabletalk (like last year), an article for Modern Reformation, and a chapter for a book (the subject of which is hush-hush for now).
I'm also working on a couple of book projects, and hope to make significant headway on them throughout the summer as well.
So, I won't be taking any theology or eschatology questions (sorry), and all the regular features of the Riddleblog ("Who Said That?" Weekly sermons, etc.) will return when I do.
But I'll be around and posting occasionally, so check back for new stuff. In the meantime, there are lots of resources posted here, so if you are really bored and miss me, you can always check them out.
Reader Comments (6)
EEK! The horror!