Thanks for Your Patience!

Unfortunately, we are still having audio troubles.
I won't bore you with all the details, but here's a brief summary of what has happened. The company which formerly hosted all our audio files was purchased by another company which was supposed to transfer our files to a new server. We'll they didn't. With no warning, they turned off the switch and left us completely in the lurch.
Once the file transfer is complete, we still may have issues with all our current links--not sure yet. Swell.
In any case, our volunteer techies are doing yeoman work (like killing brain cells by waiting on the phone for tech support) and then trying to get the tech people to understand how simple the fix should be. Ugh . . .
You'll know we are back up and running when new audio is posted and when you no longer get "file not found on this server" errors when you click on audio files.
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