Mike Horton on TV -- 20 Years Ago!

An old television interview featuring Mike Horton has resurfaced (Click here). This is from 1990-91 when Mike released his book Agony of Deceit (1990), and then appeared on a number of TV programs to promote the book.
By the way, love the glasses . . . and the mustache.
Reader Comments (7)
The message presented is still needed.
Can someone find a high school yearbook picture? Or (I know he's a youngish man) maybe this is him in high school.
that Mike had when I was that age!
We might make sport of Mike and Dad Rod
But I can think of no one who has seared my brain
with getting on the RIGHT track than DAD ROD!!
especially his series on his Dad-wonderful.
And Mike with all his wonderful books and
especially the WHInn - amen to that
And to see the condition of the church that
should know better and what it is buying into
instead of getting away from - FV etc.
Myself being a kid of the early 50s and what trash I was
fed from the system and then have to rid myself of
is all in thanks to WHInn - etc -
And yet I always will have the - well about this stuck in
my head - let alone the enemy always accusing.
I would give much to have the faith and assurance
these two have and show so well on show and
conferences - Listen to Mockingbird Dad did - wow
So lets be glad for that young lad who wrote a book
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED at 13 - what was I doing when
I was 13 - if I could remember that far back.
We have another Calvin in our midst
What would he look like with a mustache today?
Get em Dad!