Tonight's Academy Lecture Cancelled . . .

I thought I might escape the current round of maladies passing through church and family. But alas, my wife took ill on Tuesday, and it hit me yesterday. So tonight's Academy class is cancelled. Sorry, I was looking forward to resuming our time in Michael Horton's book the Christian Faith. Oh well, we'll do it next week.
While my wife was at Target, the lady in line behind her at the cash register hacked all over her. She's sure that is where she picked up the malady--low grade fever, chills, aches, and that dry hacking cough.
I should have never let her out of the bunker. Happens every time.
Reader Comments (3)
It has been so dry here (with low humidity) people's sinus are dried out (which lets those nasty viruses enter through the cracked skin). Also the pollen count is off the chart. I've never seen as many sick people in the church family as this year. I'm very careful and wash my hands, etc. My wife brought this one home, and we are all down with it.
The drought here is very serious--we haven't had a drop of rain in January. We are praying for rain!