Riddeblog Summer Update

I've been hard at work this summer and wanted to update you a bit about the doings (or lack thereof) here at the Riddleblog.
I have been working feverishly on completing the draft of my "Two Kingdoms" book and have made great progress. I'll post some snippets from it in the future, and will update you as things unfold.
My newest book, The Lion of Princeton (print edition) is due any time. I'll update you with any specifics I get about release date/availability. (Lion of Princeton)
My essay, "The Eschatology of the Reformers" is set to release in 2016 in a multi-authored volume entitled, Reformation Theology, edited by Matthew Barrett and to be published by Crossway.
I'll be lecturing on eschatology in Heidelberg, and preaching in Milan this coming September. My wife and I haven't been to Europe for some time and are heartily looking forward to going back--especially to spend time with Reformed brothers and sisters and DNA cousins.
BTW--the photo is from a White Horse Inn taping last year (I am with Rod).
Reader Comments (3)
I now have less space for placing books. E-books are good, but if want to write notes, I need a physical copy to do it well.
This lead to ask the following, since II think I've heard you mention something about your dislike for writing notes in books. What methods for note-taking do you practice when reading for study or research?
Well, it will be Spirit-filled and anointed . . .
I don't know of anything like it--a book on Christian citizenship (the application of the Reformed 2K model to contemporary life in a secular democracy). What does it mean to be a Christian and an American?