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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages



Academy Audio Posted

Here's the audio from Ken's Academy 
Lecture (12/04/09),  
"Learning How to Learn/Intelligent
Reading - LogicalFallacies"
Click here


This Week's Academy Lecture

Join us at 7:30 p.m. Friday evening December 4, as Professor Samples concludes his series "Learning Skills 101: Learning How to Learn.  Ken will be lecturing on Logical Fallacies 2.  As always there will be time for question and answers following the lecture. 


The Study Skills 101: Learning How To Learn class is specifically offered to help believers sharpen their thinking, reading, and speaking skills. This course can be directly helpful to teachers, parents (especially homeschool parents), and students, particularly adult students who want to engage in a lifelong journey of intellectual discovery and learning. This class can serve as a fun and challenging opportunity to clear the mental cobwebs that too often accumulate with the passage of time and age. All educational levels can benefit from the content of this class. Come and learn the enduring insights of famed philosopher and educator Mortimer J. Adler by studying his best selling work How to Read a Book.  -- Professor Kenneth Samples  

Textbooks: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren and A World of Difference by Kenneth Samples

Instructor:  Professor Kenneth Samples, Senior Scholar of Apologetics at Reasons To Believe, Adult Education Instructor at Christ Reformed Church

For more information, click here:


Horton Interview (Complete in Four Parts)

There's a great four part interview with Michael Horton over at the Ligionier blog.  You'll enjoy this one. 

Here's the link:  Click here


The White Horse Inn's Twentieth Anniversary Special! We Are Taking Your Calls!

Here's the scoop.

Be a Part of the Show: Call in to the White Horse Inn!

The White Horse Inn hosts will be recording their 20th Anniversary Special this coming Friday, Dec. 4th, between 11:00am and Noon (Pacific Standard Time). If you would like to call in and let Mike, Kim, Ken and Rod know what the WHI has meant to you over the years, send an email to WHI producer Shane Rosenthal along with your phone number. He’ll then contact you with the studio number and the appropriate time to call in. Shane’s email address is



Mike Horton's Take on the Manhattan Declaration

Yet another reason why it is so important to be clear about the gospel, and why the gospel is not to be confused with social ethics, no matter how wise those ethics may be.


URC Bible Study Group in Ventura, CA

If you live in the Ventura, CA, area (or know someone who does) a Bible study has been organized with the goal of seeing a URC congregation planted in the area.

They have a website:  Click here

And a Facebook page:  Click here


"He Shall Be Great Before the Lord" -- Luke 1:1-25

Here's the audio from Sunday's sermon, a sermon for the first Sunday in Advent.

Click here



This Week's White Horse Inn

Christianity Confronts Islam

What is the meaning of Jihad? Is Islam really a religion of peace? What does the Koran say about terrorism? On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton discusses these questions and more with Muslim scholar and former professor of Shari'ah law, Sam Solomon, who after his conversion to the Christian faith was forced to leave his country of origin.



Who Said That?

"All who die by the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission of sins.  This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow in one week.


Happy Thanksgiving!

A blessed and happy thanksgiving to all!

Here's the thanksgiving prayer from the future URCNA hymnal . . .

Our Sovereign God, who created all things for your pleasure and who gives to all life, breath, and every good thing, we praise you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life. For rain and sunshine, in abundance and in lack, we acknowledge that our times are in your hands. You supply all of your creatures with your good gifts: the just and the unjust alike. Nevertheless, we especially give you praise for the surpassing greatness of your saving grace that you have shown to us in Christ Jesus our Savior. For our election in him before the foundation of the world; for our redemption by him in his life, death, and resurrection; for our effectual calling, justification, sanctification, and all of the blessings of our union with him, we give you our heartfelt thanks. And we look with great anticipation toward that day when you will raise us to life everlasting, glorified and confirmed in righteousness, so that we may sing your praises without the defilement of our present weaknesses, distractions, and sins. As you have served us with these gifts, we ask that you would give us grateful hearts so that through us you may serve our neighbors.  In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen