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Living in Light of Two Ages



A Great Introduction to Calvin and the Reformed Faith

Bob%20Godfrey.jpgHere is a link to a great lecture on John Calvin.  This is from Dr. W. Robert Godfrey's series of lectures entitled "Heroes of the Faith."  For those of you who don't know him, Dr. Godfrey is the president of Westminster Seminary California and professor of church history.

Dr. Godfrey is a superb lecturer--this one is a real gem and one of his best.  This is also a great lecture to send to your evangelical/Arminian friends who may have misconceptions about Calvin and Calvinism.    Click here: - John Calvin 


Rowan Atkinson (I Mean Rowan Williams) Steps in It and Other Ineresting Stuff from Around the Web

Links6.jpgThe more Archbishop Williams speaks, the deeper the hole he digs for himself.  His latest comment is unbelievable.  "Christian doctrine offends Muslims."  Really???  I had no idea.  His solution?  "An alliance of the two faiths for the common good."  Amazing.  There are not words to respond to this drivel.  I'm sure Muslims would just love to make an "alliance" with a church which ordains gay and female bishops.   BTW--This is the same Archbishop who says the UK must accept the reality of Sharia law.    Click here: Archbishop of Canterbury: Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims | Mail Online

The Evangelical Free Church (EFCA) in which I was raised, has tweaked their doctrinal statement.  My former pastor, now an official in the EFCA (and a man who was a great pastor to me when I was becoming Reformed) once called the Free Church doctrinal statement "the Apostle's Creed rewritten by Norwegian farmers."  In any case, the new statement closes some doctrinal loopholes (probably preventing future doctrinal issues) but retains its premillennialism.  Click here: It's Not Broke, So Fix It | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Just a thought . . .  If the EFCA can re-write their doctrinal statement to deal with current doctrinal controversies, perhaps it is time for the NAPARC churches to consider a new confession of faith for North American Reformed and Presbyterian Churches?  I'd love to see a new Reformed/Presbyterian ecumenical confession which unites our churches, but it won't happen in my lifetime.

The creator of the G. I. Joe figures has a new venture--Bible action figures.   You can get David, Jonah, Samson and other accessories.  Click here: G.I. Joe creator finds Bible rich in action figures --  If he really wants to make a few bucks, he can utilize Delilah, Jezebel and the Moabite women to create a biblical equivalent of Barbie.  I'd also like to see a line of "Televangelist" action figures.  Think of what you could do with a Benny Hinn action figure . . .

Surely,  the G. I. Joe inventor can't do better than the guy who came up with a Job action figure complete with sores (Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post - Incredibly Tacky Biblical Action Figures). 


Things You Won't See in a Reformed Church -- Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

links%2011.jpgHere's something you won't see in a Reformed church--snake handling.  In the first place, most Reformed pastors I know are pretty skittish about critters (especially snakes and spiders).  Most of us believe that the "longer" ending of Mark (vv. 9-20) is probably not in the original text of that gospel.  Besides, we would be too busy debating the science of textual-criticism to actually handle a snake.   Click here: - Pastor Among the Arrested in Illegal Snake Trade Crackdown - Local News | News Articles | National N

Here's another thing you won't see in a Reformed church--a "beefcake" calendar.  Most Reformed guys I know are too geeky or too old to be seen in public without a shirt.  Some of us wouldn't want to reveal our Calvin tattoos in public.   Click here: - Man Who Created Calendar of Shirtless Mormon Missionaries Facing Excommunication - Local News | News

One more thing you won't see in a Reformed church is a "gun" giveaway.  Lets be clear here--it is not the church's responsibility to provide the youth with the appropriate fire-arms and training.  That is clearly a father's responsibility!   Click here: | Colorado's Online News Leader | Church cancels gun giveaway for teens

Finally, while many folk are in a dither about the FDIC's takeover of IndyMac and rising oil prices, Reformed Christians are in a dither about the sale of Anheuser-Busch to InBev and the fact that the Boston Beer Company (brewers of Sam Adams) is now the largest American-owned brewery.  Could it be that the European take-over of American breweries is tied to the rise of a revived Roman empire and will enable the future antichrist to control the masses?  How come no one is investigating this????  Where are the prophecy pundits on this one???  Click here: Brookston Beer Bulletin » Blog Archive » Samuel Adams, Biggest American Brewer


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg"Mark's story [i.e. the Gospel of Mark] is most likely Mark's fiction . . . .The gospel was indeed Mark's creation, a narrative that brought together two distinctively different types of written material representative of two major types of early sectarian movements.  One stream was that of movements in Palestine and southern Syria that cultivated the memory of Jesus as a founder-teacher.  The other was that of congregations in northern Syria, Asia Minor and Greece wherein the death and resurrection of Jesus were regarded as founding events . . . . Mark fabricated his story."

OK, you know how this works . . .  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no google searches or cheating.  The whole point is to make a guess, not look up an answer! 


A Lawsuit Against Two Bible Publishers and Other Links from Around the Net

Links.jpgHere is one of those scenarios in a news story which seems so implausible at first, that it is hardly worth mentioning.  And then when you think about it--especially given the judicial activism taking place these days, something we Californians know all too well--this could be a real issue.  A gay man (Bradley Fowler) is suing two Bible publishers (Zondervan and Nelson) because the Bibles they publish speak of homosexuality as a sin, and this (supposedly) has caused him great "emotional distress."  Two things I would like to say to Mr. Fowler.   First, the Bible condemns me too.   My heart is filled with just as much sin as his is.  The second thing I'd say is don't stop reading Romans at chapter one, but read on!  There's a solution to your "emotional distress," which quite likely stems from the guilt you feel because of your sins.   The solution, of course, is the blood and righteousness of Christ.  Click here: 'Gay' man sues Bible publishers

There is no excuse for using racial epithets, or racially-charged or insensitive language.  But here's some knucklehead (notice, this is a racially neutral term) whose quest to remove "racially offensive" language has gone  completely overboard.  This is a joke, right?   Sadly, it isn't.   Enough with this PC stuff already!!!!   Click here: MyFox Dallas | Commissioner Defends Position That 'Black Hole' is Racist Term

Yet another reason to make sure that your "catchers" are up to the task.   Some poor guy was "slain in the Spirit," got all worked up, fell, and cracked his noggin.   Of course, he's now suing the church.  I guess he couldn't bring himself to sue the Holy Spirit.   Click here: Man sues church, claiming spirit forced his fall | | The Tennessean

For all you baseball fans out there, this is really cool.  What does Ron Villone (a journeyman relief pitcher) do on an off day?  He flies home and anonymously watches his own son play in his little league game--taking pictures and everything.  Now that is a good dad!   Click here: Ron Villone - Bats - Baseball - New York Times Blog


A Short Biography of B. B. Warfield (1851-1921)

Warfield%20--%20youth.gif“One Productive Life” – A Short Biography of  B. B. Warfield

Abridged from my Ph.D. dissertation, "The Lion of Princeton"

Princeton College alumni who remembered Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield's student days at Princeton recall that on November 6, 1870, the young Warfield and a certain James Steen, "distinguished themselves by indulging in a little Sunday fight in front of the chapel after Dr. McCosh's afternoon lecture."  Warfield, it seems, "in lieu of taking notes" during Dr. McCosh's lecture, took great delight in sketching an "exceedingly uncomplimentary picture of Steen," which was subsequently circulated among the students (Hugh Thomson Kerr, "Warfield:  The Person Behind the Theology,"  1995, 21).  The resulting fist-fight between the two young men ultimately didn't amount to much, though years later many still remembered Warfield's nickname earned that Sunday—"the pugilist" (21-22.).

It may be instructive to note that B. B. Warfield's earliest days at Princeton, as well as his last, are characterized by a passionate defense of his personal honor.  Princeton Seminary colleague, Oswald T. Allis, tells the story about Dr. Warfield's encounter with Mrs. Stevenson, the wife of the Seminary President, shortly before Warfield's death and during the height of the controversy at Princeton over an "inclusive" Presbyterian church.  When Mrs. Stevenson and Dr. Warfield passed each other on the walk outside the Seminary, some pleasantries were exchanged, and then Mrs. Stevenson reportedly said to the good doctor, "Oh, Dr. Warfield, I am praying that everything will go harmoniously at the [General] Assembly!"  To which Warfield responded, "Why, Mrs. Stevenson, I am praying that there may be a fight" (O. T. Allis, "Personal Impressions of Dr Warfield," in The Banner of Truth 89, Fall 1971, 10-14).  As Hugh Kerr, formerly Warfield Professor of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary reflects, "from the very beginning to end, Warfield was a fighter" (Kerr, "Warfield:  The Person Behind the Theology," 22).

B. B. Warfield was not only a fighter, he was also a theological giant, exerting significant influence upon American Presbyterianism for nearly forty-years.  John DeWitt, professor of Church History at Princeton during the Warfield years, told Warfield biographer Samuel Craig, that “he had known intimately the three great Reformed theologians of America of the preceding generation—Charles Hodge, W. G. T. Shedd and Henry B. Smith—and that he was not only certain that Warfield knew a great deal more than any one of them but that he was disposed to think that he knew more than all three of them put together” (Samuel G. Craig, "Benjamin B. Warfield," in B. B. Warfield, Biblical and Theological Studies, P & R,1986, xvii). This was quite an accolade from one (DeWitt) who was himself a man of great scholarship.  Unlike many of today's "specialists," B. B. Warfield was fully qualified to teach any of the major seminary subjects—New Testament, Church History, Systematic or Biblical Theology, and Apologetics (xix.).

Click here: Riddleblog - A Very Productive Life


Get That Horn Ready for the Feast of Trumpets!

links5.bmpHere is the next end-times gimmick.   Since the Feast of Tabernacles falls on September 29th his year,  El Shaddai ministries is organizing a world-wide movement to have Christians shout and sound trumpets on that day to "stir the Lord's heart."  So, to all you shouters and trumpet-players out there, here is your big chance to stir the Lord's heart so that he'll send Jesus back!   Click here: Trumpet blasts to Jesus: 'We're awake' on Earth

Now this story will send the end-time prognosticators into a full-blown case of "rapture fever."  In the old city of Jerusalem, priestly garments are now for sale.   (Yeah, and you can buy them right next to the store which sells "red heifers").   This must mean that the Jews are getting a priesthood ready for the temple sacrifices to return during the millennium.  Of course, it might also mean some enterprising businessman likes making a buck or two off end-times prognosticators.  Click here: Newsvine - On sale now in Jerusalem: Priestly garments

Lets see . . .  If I count those who subscribe to my RSS feed from by blog as members of my church, I might just be a mega-church pastor!  If a Baptist church in Florida can have "internet" members, why can't I?   The sad thing is, if your church service is not centered around the preached word and the administration of the sacraments, why not?  Click here: Florida church boasts 'Internet members' (

Here is a church in Houston that is "claiming the city for Christ" by erecting giant crosses around town.  The pastor must not have been paying attention during the lecture in seminary when the professor told him he is supposed to "preach the cross," not "put up crosses."   What well-intended Christians see as a witness to pagans, non-Christians will see as an eye-sore.   I'm sure this is not what Paul had in mind when he spoke of publicly placarding Christ (Galatians 3:1).  Click here: Houston Community Newspapers Online - Church hopes to grace Houston freeways with giant crosses


Jesus for President and Other Stuff from Around the Web.

links%203.bmpThis is what happens when young evangelicals--who are justifiably disgruntled with the movement's ties to the Republican party, but who have never heard of the distinction between the two kingdoms--start to leave the movement in great numbers.  They end up doing goofy stuff like this.   Click here: Evangelical movement touts 'Jesus for president' -

 Better be nice to your monkey--he (or she) now has rights!  At least in Spain . . .  Click here: Spain set to give rights to apes | Baptist Messenger of Oklahoma

Here is the sad fruit of the "name it and claim it" theology--bitterness, disillusion, and the horrible feeling that "God hates you and has a horrible plan for your life."  Click here: Believer bitter over 'prosperity' preachings -

More intrusion from the nanny state:  "eat your vegetables . . . all of them."  There is nothing worse than having your PM (or president) scold you like your mom used to do--when you were six.   Click here: As supermarket prices spiral Brown tells families: 'Stop wasting food' | Mail Online


Who Said That?


"Likewise, if I say that I had a vision of an angel, or encountered one or even spoke with one, but you haven’t doctrinally or experientially, come to terms with the reality of angels being in our midst, then you may not attribute it as valid. You may even tag me as someone who worships angels, seeks them for counsel, ministers under the power of, or misrepresents them in some way. In the case of the angel called “Emma,” who I described as having mother-like nurturing qualities, some have automatically assumed that my doctrine is that I believe in female angels. This has never been the case!

For whatever reason God chose to show me this angel in a female persona, He did. This isn’t to say that the angel was female. Angels are spirit and appear in many forms. Perhaps that’s the form God chose this angel to take for the purpose of the revelation He gave me. They are spirit beings of light, created out of God’s glory, without gender, and appear in whatever form God chooses to send them to us."

By now you know the drill.  Please leave your answer in the comments section below.  Please no google searches or cheating. 


Lectures on Prayer and Evangelism on Pilgrim Radio (Carson City, NV)


The kind folks at Pilgrim Radio (in Carson City, NV) will be broadcasting two of my lecture series, one on Evangelism, and the other on Prayer, as part of their morning and even class series.  The lectures will run on Friday morning and evenings beginning July 11.  The broadcasts (8:00 AM, 8:00 PM PST) are available through live streaming.
Here's the link for live streaming:  Click here: Pilgrim Radio: Listen Now
Here's their current schedule of courses: Click here: Pilgrim Radio: Morning & Night Classes