According to a recent post on ChristianityToday.com, Jack Hayford actually recommends that we invite non-Christians to the Lord's Table to make them feel welcome and so that we do not exclude them from anything in the worship service.
This is utterly remarkable in light of Paul's very clear warning not to do this in 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.
"Welcome visitors! Come to the Lord's Table without discerning Christ's body, and then get sick and possibly die . . ."
Reformed Christians "fence" the table because of Paul's exhortation.

A less traditional means we use to encourage commitment is the Lord's Supper. We invite all the people to gather around the Lord's Table and partake in small groups. We believe it is the Lord's Table we are invited to, the Lord is doing the inviting, and no one is excluded. To us that means unbelievers are invited, as well.
We explain clearly, of course, what we are doing, and what an unbeliever is doing by partaking: making a commitment to Christ. We stress the gravity of the event to reflect the serious nature of faith in Christ.
At the same time, we want people to know that they are welcome. For example, I might say, "If you are visiting with us today, you are not only welcome to participate, you are urged to. If you were at my house and it came dinnertime, I wouldn't leave you sitting in the other room while I went to the dining room. And if you said, 'Well, I'm not really hungry,' I'd say, 'Come in and sit with us anyway.' Now, as we come to the Lord's Table, join us. And when the bread is served, take a portion."
To read the rest of the article, Click here: Including Non-Christians in Christian Worship - BuildingChurchLeaders.com
While Reformed churches could learn a thing or two from others about how to be friendly and how to better welcome visitors to our churches, this is not exactly the way to do this, bringing them under God's judgment.
(h.t.--Click here: Slice of Laodicea)