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Entries in The Nanny State (4)


Bernie Sanders Berates Nominee for White House Budget Office on the Grounds of His Christian Convictions

Scary stuff. 

Apparently, Bernie missed the fact that the U.S. Constitution forbides any religious test for holding public office (h.t. Justin Taylor).

I highly recommend David French's response, including a transcript (Sanders Imposes a Religious Test for Office)


Beware -- the Fat Police!

Under the terms of ObamaCare, all health-care recipients will be required to list their "Body Mass Index" on all medical records--this is in addition to the current requirements to list height and weight.  The Fat Police are Coming!

Fortunately, these regulations will not take effect until 2014.  Although I am currently engaged in heated conflict with my middle age man-boobs and belly girth, what if I've lost the will to fight by 2014?  What if my BMI is too high?  More evidence of the nanny state on the loose!

White Horse Inn producer Shane Rosenthal sent along this link to various church leader look-alikes.  Church Leader Look-Alikes  Some of them are pretty good.  The one that is missing is the guy from the Go to Meeting commercial, who looks just like Mike Horton.  Uncanny even.

I'm gonna get grief for this one . . . but here goes . . .  I'm not a fan of this guy's art.  I've always thought something was a little off.  Now I know what.   Something Odd About the Painting

Bigfoot may be a hoax, but not the dreaded Chupacabra!  El Chupacabra LIves!


More Irresponsible Behavior from Our Congress

While speaking at the National Press Club luncheon, Democratic Congressman John Conyers(D-Mich.), who is also the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, mocks the need to read bills before voting on them, because it takes two lawyers to interpret them and more than two days to work through them!  And this from the chair of the Judiciary Committee????

Since chairman Conyers will not be subject to the same health care reforms my family will be (the congress will retain all their current gold-package health care benefits regardless of what bill ultimately makes its way through congress), I guess there's no need for him to even know what is in the bill.

This is infuriating.


Auditing the Federal Reserve

Here's your federal government at work!  Democrat congressman, Alan Grayson, politely (yet firmly) questions Elizabeth Coleman, the inspector general of the Federal Reserve about the Fed's recent actions associated with the bailout.  This is simply unbelievable!