More Irresponsible Behavior from Our Congress

While speaking at the National Press Club luncheon, Democratic Congressman John Conyers(D-Mich.), who is also the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, mocks the need to read bills before voting on them, because it takes two lawyers to interpret them and more than two days to work through them! And this from the chair of the Judiciary Committee????
Since chairman Conyers will not be subject to the same health care reforms my family will be (the congress will retain all their current gold-package health care benefits regardless of what bill ultimately makes its way through congress), I guess there's no need for him to even know what is in the bill.
This is infuriating.
Reader Comments (108)
Most of these Democrats will be voted out in 2010, and in 2012. (If we still have a country by then.)
Never, ever, has a president blamed absolutely everything that goes wrong on his predecessor -- when he is to blame for most of the current mess that the country finds itself in.
With a government run health care system, the great young minds will no longer be attracted to the medical profession. Most will be seeking jobs as attorneys or government workers.
Shame on Conyers! And Reid, and Pelosi, and naseum.
While I agree the church's focus should be on the gospel, one wonders how much the culture wars reflect the spiritual war for the souls of men? At some point, does it become irresponsible and cowardly for Christians not to take a side in political issues of our day? While the Republican party is far from perfect, they do seem to be the party of life and freedom.
I don't have the answers to my own questions, but I am praying that the Lord will thwart the policies of this new administration for the good of the country. Jeremiah 29 says that the Lord's people should seek the welfare of the society they are placed in, and it seems to me that the welfare of the USA is best served by the frustration of the Democratic party.
Things should never have gotten to this point in the first place and I'm still trying to get my arms around exactly what happened in the general election last November. I've seen some of the demographics of the people who voted for these politicians and can only conclude that it was a reactionary response characteristic of the same lilt and lyric of MTV, hip-hop, and the most recent lewd, crude, and otherwise socially unacceptable shoot-'em-up, blood&guts action movie.
And unfortunately for Bill Weber, the Republican party is not doing any better. Many Christians refuse to vote for a party that wants to control the rest of the world through war, saving our children from abortion but murdering the children in other nations.
Conyers wife was the President of Detroit City Council. She resigned shortly after pleading guilty, recently, to accepting bribes.
I can only speculate but I guess Conyers has been so busy writing bad law he forgot to tell the Mrs how to avoid capture.
Going to the pound might be an upgrade these days.
I didn't know we were restricted to only voting Republican or Democrat.
Bill, how does praying for the thwarting of our leaders square with NT teaching on obedience and praying FOR authority? Is there something wrong with just plain, old-fashioned dissent? And what does one do who thinks the Republican party is way more neo-conservative (read: liberal) than paleo-conservative?
The platform of the Libertarian Party has a lot of great concepts and alternatives that I believe have some very solid possible solutions to the problems that our fine politicians have gotten us into.
It seems, well -- very American! Hmmm. I think that many of our founding fathers might well have run as Libertarians.
I am going to be looking long and hard at possibly switching to this party.
Any thoughts from my fellow Riddleblogger friends?
the departed Bushite crew were even less interested in our freedom than the current Obamaite crew. The difference is the former wanted to restrict our right to disagree on political issues, the latter is more interested in restricting our economic freedoms. Obama arguably "promotes the culture of death" on social issues, but Bush certainly had few qualms about collateral damage and the culture of death this caused around the world.
Let us not demonize only one party and sanctify the other. They both suck (to use the vernacular). We are stuck with choosing to vote for the one we find less obnoxious at any given point, always remembering that like us they are reprehensible sinners who will invariably let us us down.
In terms of our prayer life and our leaders I think Zrim is far closer to the biblical mandate than you are. As it was in Paul's time, we are to pray for the corrupt, pagan emperor- for his welfare and for him to institute good governance.