It Was Just a Matter of Time!

This exercise in creative exegesis will come as no surprise to those of you who keep up with Bible prophecy punditry! All you need is a verse or two, a Strong's concordance, and presto . . . Barack Obama is the Antichrist! You'll just love the disclaimer at the end! (h.t. Terry)
This is a classic example of one of the ways in which people seek to cope with political and economic uncertainty--they find an eschatological bogeyman. "Pin the tail on the Antichrist" is nothing new, nor unique to modern America.
Hey, somebody ought to write a book about this! (Click here: Riddleblog - Man of Sin - Uncovering the Truth About Antichrist)
Reader Comments (22)
But he forgot to try to make the numbers add up to 666 or 616! I'm sure that will be in a followup film. JUST KIDDING! Please, please don't try it.
Seeing this sort of eisegesis makes me want to never open an interlinear Hebrew or Greek Bible again. (I'm not a pastor.) I'm kind of kidding, but partly not. This type of misuse of the Scripture can be damaging.
He can't even get the Blue Dog Democrats behind him, let alone the rest of the world.
BTW: all the above was purely sarcasm and not meant to indicate in any way that I think President Obama is or might be the antichrist. Does that count as a disclaimer? You decide!
But, but. The numbers proving Henry Kissinger was the AC worked so well.
I just about lost it when he tried to pronounce "waw," and when he said that "some scholars prefer to transliterate "wow" with the letter O or U. Yeah, there's no suchthing as a sureq or holem-waw, it's really just the preference of "some scholars."
Not only does the waw not convey "from," but it wouldn't be a vowel anyway. But Barak V'Bama doesn't sound as ominous.
My mother recently told me that there was all kinds of folks who thought the end of the world was coming soon after the 1960 election. 1948 was fresh in their minds and then a RC liberal came to to the White House.
She knows not to get excited. Of course, she's Amil anyway.
Oh that's right I forgot about him. And look who is Secretary of State now!
i use to hear that it was President Soekarno of Indonesia,one of the German Chancellors or even now Tony Blair.
Violating the proper understanding of God's Word can have horrific consequences.
That 11 year old girl that just died, had parents tracking:
Pastor Kim, we need a chapter added in books like yours warning of the "practical" outworking of bad eschatology.