My Favorite Lutheran on "Issues, Etc."

Rod Rosenbladt was on Issues, Etc. yesterday discussing Martin Luther's rediscovery of the gospel.
Living in Light of Two Ages
Rod Rosenbladt was on Issues, Etc. yesterday discussing Martin Luther's rediscovery of the gospel.
Sunday Morning (9/2): My text this week is John 1:1-18 (the prologue to John's Gospel), and we will be focusing upon Jesus as the Word. I would encourage you to be reading through this gospel as we tackle sections of it week by week.
Sunday Afternoon: Before we resume our series on the Heidelberg Catechism next week (Lord's Day 39 and the fifth commandment), I will do one week of review and focus upon the Catechism's guilt, grace, gratitude, structure. Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
The Academy: The Academy is on hiatus until September. But when we resume, we'll begin with a four week discussion of two important books. The first book is Ross Douthat's Bad Religion (Click Here). The second is James Davison Hunter's To Change the World (Click Here). If you plan on attending, it would be a good idea to purchase these books in advance and begin reading them.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
In John 4, Jesus says to the Samaritan woman, “God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” But what does it mean to worship God “in spirit and truth”? What are the implications of this text for our understanding of worship today in the American church landscape? That’s what’s on tap for this edition of the White Horse Inn (originally broadcast December 9, 2007).
Sunday Morning (8/26): I'm back . . . I'm beginning a new sermon series on the Gospel of John. My text this week is John 20:30-31, and I'll be giving an introduction to this wonderful gospel. I would encourage you to be reading through this gospel as we tackle sections of it week by week.
Sunday Afternoon: Professor Samples will be conducting the catechism service this Lord's Day. Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
The Academy: The Academy is on hiatus until mid-September. But when we resume, we'll begin with a four week discussion of two important books. The first book is Ross Douthat's Bad Religion (Click Here). The second is James Davison Hunter's To Change the World (Click Here). If you plan on attending, it would be a good idea to purchase these books in advance and begin reading them.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
Recovering Focus in a Distracted Time
Life in twenty-first century America is distracting. Thanks to the ubiquitous nature of media and countless interruptions from beeping gadgets, it’s becoming difficult not merely to finish a book, but perhaps even a thought. On this program, Michael Horton discusses this new culture of distraction with Maggie Jackson, author of Distracted: The Erosion of Attention & The Coming Dark Age. In the second half of the program, Mike continues this discussion with Los Angeles Times Book Review Editor David Ulin, author of The Lost Art of Reading: Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time.
The final installment of my series on basic Reformed doctrine has been posted on the Westminster Seminary California blog:
An Interview with T. David Gordon
What is the impact of technology on the way we live and think as Christians? How has popular culture changed the way we worship on Sunday mornings? On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton discusses these issues with T. David Gordon, author of Why Johnny Can’t Preach, and Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns.
We found a small shooting range near our digs in the Eastern Sierras. My sons and I enjoyed some range time along with a few church friends. The boys can shoot. Now it is back to mountain biking and hiking, good fellowship, and some good food.
The next installment in my series on basic doctrine has been posted on the Westminster Seminary California blog.
Here's the link: The Second Coming