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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from August 1, 2017 - August 31, 2017


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (August 28-September 3)

Sunday Morning, September 3:  What happened after Paul's Galatian letter was sent to the churches?  Luke tells us in Acts 15--the text of our sermon this week, a postscript to Galatians.  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Afternoon:  Why is idolatry the root of all sin?  We continue our study of the Heidelberg Catechism as we work our way through Lord's Day 34 (Q & A 92-95).  Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study:  Resumes on Wednesday, September 13 @ 7:30.  We will begin a new series, "Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age."

The AcademyResumes on Friday, September 22, when we pick up with Part II of Allen Guelzo's Teaching Company Course, The American Mind

For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Info), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).


"May I Never Boast" -- Galatians 6:11-18

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:  Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Has the Bible Been Miscopied or Mistranslated?

Many people today make the claim that the Bible has been revised, edited, and miscopied over the centuries, and that the translations we have with us today are not at all faithful to the original manuscripts. But is this really the case? On this program, Michael Horton discusses this important issue with New Testament scholar Daniel Wallace, editor of Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament and contributor to The Reliability of the New Testament: Bart Ehrman and Daniel Wallace in Dialogue (originally broadcast May 12, 2013).

Click Here


Hard to Predict What the Future Holds . . .

The photo is from a 70's sports site (Super70sSports), but I saw it on Ben Sasse's twitter feed.  Wow, who'd have guessed . . .


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (August 21-27)

Sunday Morning, August 27:  We wrap up our time in the Book of Galatians by considering Paul's words about boasting in the cross of Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:11-18).  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Afternoon:  What does it mean that the law is fulfilled in Jesus Christ?  We continue our study of the Heidelberg Catechism as we work our way through Lord's Day 34 (Q & A 92-95).  Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study:  Resumes on Wednesday, September 13 @ 7:30.  We will begin a series on Apologetics, "Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age."

The AcademyResumes on Friday, September 22, when we pick up with Part II of Allen Guelzo's Teaching Company Course, The American Mind

For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Info), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).


Racism and DNA Testing

DNA testing for ancestral heritage is all the rage these days.  You have likely seen ads from, 23 and Me, and Family Tree DNA.  You may have seen the TV series, "Who Do You Think You Are?" or one of the other programs devoted to identifying the ancestry of celebrities and sports figures.

Almost everyone who takes an ancestry DNA test, or whose ancestral history is researched by a professional genealogist, comes to the inevitable conclusion, "I'm not who I thought I was."  "I did not know that I have ancestors who were_______" (insert the ethnicity or geographical locale of your choice).

A number of genealogy websites beat me to it this morning, but the question I have is "what does DNA testing say to those who identify themselves as `white' nationalists?" (BTW--You can include any racially motivated group in this question--surely there are racists in every culture and ethnic group).  Racism is a fruit of Adam's fall and the consequence of human sinfulness (Genesis 6 comes to mind).  We are all prone to hate our neighbor, but it is much easier to hate him or her if they do not look like we do, if they speak a different language, or if they come from a different place with different customs.

My ancestral DNA is as "waspy" as you can get.  Genetically speaking, I am a 99% white European--predominantly from the British Isles, Swiss on my dad's side, with my mother's mtDNA line (U5b3b) probably coming to the British Isles a couple of thousand years ago during the Roman occupation.  But my y-DNA (my father's father's father's DNA), as well as my "trace" ancestral DNA, goes back through Switzerland to the ancient Middle East.  My y-DNA is H2-P96--very old and very rare.  The oldest H2 DNA was found in the skeletal remains of a man who lived about 8000 years ago in what is now Israel.  My H2 ancestors were among the first inhabitants of Europe after the retreat of the Ice Age. 

But how waspy am I, when all of my DNA traces back beyond Europe to a common ancestor whom I share with you (Adam, then Noah)?  And on the genetic path back to Adam is the realization that my H2 DNA is an ancient branch of "H," from which many Indians and Pakistanis come.  Way back when, one brother headed west (taking his line into Europe), while another brother went east and is the genetic father of millions today who are citizens of India and Pakistan.

Contemporary discussions of race (especially in the heated shouting matches of our 24/7 news cycle) are clouded by Darwinian propaganda that there are multiple "races":  Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongoloid.  The reality is all of us share common DNA ancestors, many of us who take DNA tests discover that we are ethnically mixed to some degree or another, and that ultimately, we are all of one race--regardless of where our ancestors lived in the last twenty-five or so generations.

How many white nationalists have DNA from ancestors who belonged to "races" they now regard as inferior or deficient?  Imagine a white nationalist discovering a Jewish ancestor?  An African ancestor?  An Asian ancestor?  How many militant racists, of whatever stripe, have the "pure" DNA of their recent national or racial identity?  Certainly not all.  Likely most do not. 

DNA testing proves we are all of one race because we have a common ancestor.  We are all children of Adam, who is the biological and federal head of the human race.  The Scriptures teach this, and the Reformed confessions echo the biblical teaching.  We may have different ethnicities, come from different cultures and places, but we are all of one race--Adam's.  And that race is fallen, one poisonous fruit of which is racism.


Purple Mountain Majesty

All that rain in the Eastern Sierras this past winter means lush mountain meadows and spectacular fields of flowers.  Solomon in all his splendour . . .


Coming Attractions!

Some of you have asked about my infrequent blog/Facebook posts of late . . .

I am well--thankfully.  But I am on Sabbatical and soon to take vacation.  I have been catching up on my reading, visiting with friends and family, and taking care of household stuff--like gassing pesky termites.  Tenting for termites is like going to the doctor.  You hate to do it, it is a giant hassle, but it has to be done.  Lots of dead critters around my house, as well as a couple of unfortunate shrubs.  Oh well.

Summer Projects:

I have completed an essay on "B. B. Warfield as Apologist," for a forthcoming volume on significant apologists (Zondervan).  Warfield made the list.  Looking at the various apologists included in the volume, and then at the list of contributors, I am very honored to be asked to participate.

Also, I completed the first draft of my book on Christian Citizenship ("In the Land of Nod"), written from a two kingdoms point of view.  I will start shopping it to publishers. 

I have completed lecture notes for much of next year's Wednesday Night Bible Study at Christ Reformed.  I taught apologetics for a number of years at the now defunct Simon Greenleaf School of Law (which became Trinity Law School, in Santa Ana, CA).  It was time to update my lectures and teach the material to our congregation.  You can get a taste of what I'll be doing here:  Francis Schaeffer as Evangelist and Apologist.  Scroll down to the "lectures on Schaeffer."

This Fall at Christ Reformed Church:

After I wrap up my Galatians series (it is almost done), I'll begin a lengthy series on the Minor Prophets.  Since this is a difficult portion of the Old Testament, I'll do a fair bit of background before I take up the books of Amos, Jonah, and Hosea (prophets to Israel--the Northern Kingdom).  I'll then move on to the prophets who operated in Judah before and during the exile.

We'll also return to our Academy series on "The American Mind" based on Allen Guelzo's stellar lectures from the Teaching Company (The American Mind).

We will also host a number of Author's Forums on Friday nights.  We'll have Dr. Godfrey introduce us to his new book on the Psalms (Learning to Love the Psalms); Charles Lee Irons will describe his recent book critiquing the New Perspective on Paul (The Righteousness of God).  Look for appearances by J. V. Fesko, S. M. Baugh, David VanDrunen, and that Horton fellow. 

We will try and make audio available of as much of this as possible.

So, lots going on, with lots more to come, Lord willing!