Some Reflections on the Old and New Year

Well, we've come to the end of yet another year. Time to take a moment and reflect on this past year (and the next).
This has been an interesting year for me and my family.
My oldest son graduated from college. He's headed to the job market and grad school. I'm very proud of him. Lord willing, my youngest son will end the year as a junior in college. Proud of him too. It all makes me very thankful, but feeling much, much older. My wife (on the other hand) must have found the fountain of youth. When we see old friends, they tell her "you haven't changed a bit." When they see me, they say, "you look distinguished with that bald head and grey mustache."
My niece (who tragically lost her husband a couple of years ago to sudden illness) married a Reformed Christian in a Reformed Church. It is always wonderful to watch the mysterious providence of God in action.
I taught a course at Westminster Seminary California, and then was privileged to deliver the commencement address. Wow. Who'd have thunk . . .
The Yankees and the Lakers (my two favorite sports teams) both won it all in the same year. How cool is that?
We've endured a remarkable year of congressional tyranny and malfeasance--never seen anything like it. Hopefully, many in the Beltway crowd will get their comeuppance this November and join the ranks of the unemployed.
Horton's systematic theology will be out next year, along with VanDrunen's book on natural law and the two kingdoms. Much good fruit coming from that "Escondido hermeneutic" (whatever the heck that is????)
The Riddleblog continues to roll along with about the same number of hits this year as last. But I refuse to "tweet" or establish a Facebook presence. A blog is plenty.
We've had an up and down year at Christ Reformed. The economy has hit some folk quite hard, and our associate pastor has left. Then, there are always people whom you love who are dealing with grief and loss, while others deal with the consequences of sin. But our last new members class was full, we've got four young men attending Westminster, and as God graciously enables me, the word is preached and the sacraments are administered.
Didn't get as far with my writing projects as I hoped, but Lord willing, next year I'll make some better progress.
All in all, its been an OK year as years go . . .
So, all that is left is to wish you and yours God's blessings for 2010! May God grant you good health, and a happy and prosperous New Year!