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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from December 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010


2010 Was Hot and Cold

I've lived in Orange County my whole life.  We get weird weather once in a while.  But this year beats them all.  In September, it reached 117 in my backyard.  Hottest day I can remember.

This morning, it was 28 in my backyard.  That is about as cold as it gets here--and that kind of a low temp is really rare.

So, I'm on board for global warming.  Or is it global cooling?  Or is it climate change?

All this really tells me is that it is time to paint the back fence.



Goodbye 2010! But Here's a Look Back

It is that time of the year when people compile top ten lists reflecting upon the events of the past year.  Here are a few I thought you might find interesting.

1).  We begin with a list of significant church/theology events for the past year.  Top 10 Church/Theology Stories

2).  Here's a "list of lists" devoted to the best Christian books released (or read by the list producer) last year.  These lists sure don't match mine.  A List of Christian Book Lists

3).  This one is sad--a list of the top ten crimes of 2010.  Not only is our society filed with personal tragedy, keeping up with it is a cottage industry.  This is the stuff that keeps Geraldo and Nancy Grace on the air.  Is it just me, or does anyone else think Nancy Grace is the most obnoxious person on TV?   Top Ten Crime Stories

4).  Here's the annual list of those celebrities who died this past year.  I'll miss a couple of them.  I won't miss those on this list of whom I've never heard.  Celebs Who Died

5).  Here's a fascinating list of those things Americans hold sacred:  Ten Things We Believe

6).  One of my personal favorites--a list of the top political gaffes of 2010.  Top Ten Political Gaffes

7).  Here's a list of the top sports stories of 2010.  Did Tiger, Favre and LeBron make it?  Not a great year for sports, although my Lakers did beat the Celtics:  Top Ten Sports Stories 

8).  The Pope's trip to London topped the Vatican's top ten for 2010: Top Ten Pope Stories

9).  Finally, here's a top ten list of the most important products from Apple.  I bought an iPhone.  Don't know how I lived without it.  Top Ten Apple Stories


Westminster Seminary California's New Blog

Be sure to check out Westminster Seminary California's new blog, Valiant for Truth.

The new blog is worth consulting just to see Dr. Godfrey's name on a blog post!  Never thought I'd see that!

Rumor has it that I'll be writing there once in a while as well.  I'll post links here when I do.

Also, if you can, be sure to attend the seminary's upcoming conference, Christianity and Liberalism Revisited (January 14-15) 2011.  The conference will consider the legacy of J. Gresham Machen. Looks outstanding!

For more information, Machen conference info


"They Shall Call His Name Immanuel" -- Matthew 1:18-25

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon for the Sunday after Christmas

Sunday After Christmas


This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview with Christian Smith

Michael Horton recently had the opportunity to talk with Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith, author of Soul Searching and Souls in Transition. Dr. Smith coined the phrase "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism" to describe the faith of most religious teens, and the religion he fears of their parents as well. In this interview, Mike talks to Dr. Smith about his various writing projects, his view of youth ministry, and his suggestions for the way forward.


What Benefits Do You Receive from Christ's Birth?

From the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 14

35. What is the meaning of “conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary?”

That the eternal Son of God, who is and continues true and eternal God,[1] took upon Himself the very nature of man, of the flesh and blood of the virgin Mary,[2] by the operation of the Holy Spirit;[3] so that He might also be the true seed of David,[4] like unto His brethren in all things,[5] except for sin.[6]

[1] Jn 1:1-4, 10:30-36; Rom 1:3-4, 9:5; Col 1:15-17; 1 Jn 5:20; [2] Mt 1:18-23; Jn 1:14; Gal 4:4; Heb 2:14; [3] Mt 1:18-20; Lk 1:35; [4] 2 Sam 7:12-16; Ps 132:11; Mt 1:1; Lk 1:32; Rom 1:3; [5] Php 2:7; Heb 2:17; [6] Heb 4:15, 7:26-27

36. What benefit do you receive from the holy conception and birth of Christ?

That He is our Mediator,[1] and with His innocence and perfect holiness[2] covers, in the sight of God, my sin,[3] wherein I was conceived.[4]

[1] 1 Tim 2:5-6; Heb 2:16-17, 9:13-15; [2] Rom 8:3-4; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 4:4-5; 1 Pt 1:18-19; [3] Ps 32:1; 1 Jn 1:9; [4] Ps 51:5


I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!


Dude . . . You Got the Cheetos?

Pat Robertson is now in favor of decriminalizing Marijuana (in small amounts).

Just say "maybe" to drugs.



Festivus and Two Kingdom Confusion (Re-Post)

I must admit to a certain amount of glee when I read that Washington State officials have added a "Festivus Pole" to the "Holiday Season" display in the state capitol (Click here: Coming to Capitol: 'Festivus' display | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional).

The brouhaha began when a group of atheists demanded to be allowed to post a "Winter Solstice" rant against all forms of religion right next to the capitol's nativity scene.  Of course, Christians turned on Washington's governor for allowing the atheists to display their sign in the capitol during the Christmas season.

The State of Washington reasons that if you have one religious "holiday" display in the capitol building, then you can't turn away anyone else, including the pranksters who want a "Festivus Pole."  BTW--if you don't know what Festivus is, you are missing out on one of the great parodies of all time.

Of course, the more important question is what is a "holiday display" of any sort (including a nativity scene) doing in a state capitol in the first place?  And why all the Christian outrage at Washington's Governor for allowing other religions to be equally confused about the two kingdoms? 

If this were a case of local governments forbidding Christians from putting up nativity scenes on private or church property, well then, there is a real legal issue at stake.  But why is any religious display allowed in the state capitol?  The State of Washington's position on this is essentially, "if Christians are confused about the two kingdoms, when why shouldn't atheists (and others) be allowed such confusion as well?"

Meanwhile, I can't wait for December 23 when I can air all my grievances and undertake the feats of strength.


Would Jesus Be a Liberal Democrat?

White Horse Inn producer Shane Rosenthal nails it!

Must reading:


Got Plans for Christmas Eve? For the Sunday After Christmas?

Christ Reformed Church cordially invites you to our Service of Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve (@ 7:00 p.m.) and to our Lord's Day Service on December 26th (10:30 a.m.)

I am preaching on John 1:1-14 on Christmas Eve, and on Matthew 1:18-25 on Sunday morning (December 26).  If you live in Southern California and don't have a church home, come and visit us!

For more information click here, Christ Reformed info