Horton, Keller, and Chandler on Christianity and Culture

Chandler, Horton, and Keller on the Church in Culture from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.
H. T. Justin Taylor
Living in Light of Two Ages
Chandler, Horton, and Keller on the Church in Culture from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.
H. T. Justin Taylor
Consumers or Disciples?
In John chapter 6, Jesus begins to attract very large crowds. But is this necessarily a good thing? Are all the people in these crowds really disciples, or merely consumers who are looking to Jesus to solve their temporal problems? How does Jesus deal with this issue, and what are the implications of all this for our own view of ministry and discipleship? That’s the focus of this edition of the White Horse Inn: know what you believe and why you believe it!
Some of you have asked about the slowdown on the blog.
I'm fine, but I have been very busy of late with church duties. I'm just now beginning my summer vacation/sabbatical, and (Lord willing), I will return to my regular schedule later this summer. Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy the break, and tackle some writing projects (my two kingdoms book, and my commentary on 1 Corinthians).
I finally replaced my 2003 Dell Pentium 4 desktop. Moving into a new computer is not an easy thing given the fact that I was three operating systems removed from Windows 7 (I was still running XP -- I refused to do Vista, but I like Windows 7). It took two full days to get everything set up, and thankfully most everything transferred over OK -- though I did lose my scanner (I think my wife gave it to me back in 2001). Scanners are cheap.
So, if you have questions for me, don't bother till August. I'll post occasionally, and am very much looking forward to a break. Have a great summer!
Now here's a weird one. Jack Van Impe (JVI) has left TBN after being scolded by Paul and Jan for criticizing OC mega-church pastors Rick Warren and Robert Schuller.
In a recent broadcast, Van Impe took Warren and Schuller to task for teaching what Van Impe calls "Chrislam," -- a term for the mixture of Christianity and Islam. TBN management took issue with JVI criticizing them, and so JVI decided to look for broadcast time elsewhere.
"Van Impe's program cited Warren's speech to an Islamic conference in Washington in 2009 and Schuller's keynote address at an interfaith conference called `A Common Word' in 2008." You can find the article here: Click Here
And this from a man (JVI) who once labeled amillennialism as the greatest heresy in church history. Something about pots and kettles comes to mind.
Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the eighth in a series on the Book of Hebrews:
What Would Jesus Preach?
What kind of sermon would Jesus preach if he was invited to address your local congregation? As strange as it may seem, we actually have an example of this kind of thing recorded for us in Luke chapter 4. Speaking in a Jewish synagogue, Jesus opens the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and begins to proclaim himself as the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy. On this edition of the program the hosts walk through this amazing passage, along with the complete text from Isaiah underlying it, and discuss the implications it offers for our understanding of preaching today.
If you own a Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc., you can now receive Modern Reformation in PDF format, so you can read it on any portable device which can read PDFs.
This is a great idea!
Here's the scoop: Mod Ref PDFs
The website for the Lectio Continua series is up and running.
You can check it out here: Lectio Continua
Here's the audio from Sunday morning's sermon, the seventh in a series on the Book of Hebrews:
Him We Proclaim
Though many churches claim to be Christ-centered, most Christian sermons continue to present Jesus as a divine therapist, a motivating coach or as a political activist. So how does one faithfully read and study the Bible with Christ at the center? What does it mean to preach the Christ from all the Scriptures? That’s the focus of this edition of the White Horse Inn as Michael Horton talks with Dennis Johnson, author of Him We Proclaim, Preaching Christ in All the Scriptures (originally broadcast July 1,2007).