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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


"You Play Ball Like . . . a Girl!!!"


Opening Day 2010 -- Play Ball!

If you are a baseball fan, you know what this day means.  Baseball is back!

Box scores, MLB channel, Gameday . . .

OK, so the Yanks blew a big lead in their season opener at Fenway.  I don't care.  Baseball is back!

Lets go Yankees!  The quest for number 28 begins.

BTW--C.C. Sabbathia is huge.  Dustin Pedroia is not!


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Cross & Resurrection

On this edition of the program the hosts walk through the significance of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. In particular, they focus on the importance of his resurrection from the dead, which vindicates his truth claims and provides a ground for belief in his sacrificial death on our behalf.


Who Said That? Post-Easter Edition

"Critical historians must start by assessing available evidence on the basis of what they know about what's probable or impossible, possible or impossible.  They therefore must start by dismissing miracle stories [the resurrection] out of hand."

You know the drill.  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow in one week.


Audio of Easter Sermons from the Gospel of John Posted

Palm Sunday, March 28

Sermon:  "Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord"

Texts:  John 12:12-18; Psalm 118:22-20

Audio:  "Hosanna! Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord"


Maundy Thursday, April 1

Sermon: Love One Another (Click link to download audio file)

Scripture references: Leviticus 19:1–19 & John 13:31–14:4


Good Friday, April 2

Sermon: They Will Look on Him, Whom They Have Pierced (Click link to download audio file)

Scripture references: Psalm 22, Isaiah 52:13-53:12 & John 19:1-37


Easter Sunday, April 4

Sermon: Jesus Is the Christ (Click link to download audio file)

Scripture references:  Isaiah 25:1–9 & John 20:1–31


Easter Week Services at Christ Reformed

Maundy Thursday, April 1 at 7:30 PM

Sermon: Love One Another

Scripture references: Leviticus 19:1–19 & John 13:31–14:4


Good Friday, April 2 at 7:30 PM

Sermon: They Will Look on Him, Whom They Have Pierced

Scripture references: Psalm 22, Isaiah 52:13-53:12 & John 19:1-37

Easter Sunday, April 4 at 10:25 AM

Sermon: Jesus Is the Christ

Scripture references:  Isaiah 25:1–9 & John 20:1–31

You are cordially invited!

For more information, Click here


Author's Forum with Dr. David VanDrunen -- Audio Posted

Here's the audio from our Author's forum with David VanDrunen.  Great stuff!

Here's the MP3:  Click here

Here's the streaming version:

Click here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Kingdom of God, Part 2

On this edition of the White Horse Inn the hosts continue their discussion of the Kingdom of God. Though many today seek a Kingdom of power and glory, God's Kingdom advances in weakness and humility. One day God will reign visibly with great power and majesty, but in the meantime his Kingdom advances through word and sacrament.



Who Said That?

"At God’s will the Son has the greatness and qualities that he has.

His existence from when and from whom and from then—are all from God.

He, though strong God, praises in part his superior."

You know the drill!  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow in one week.



Author's Forum with Dr. David VanDrunen -- Tonight

Dr. David VanDrunen will be our guest author at the Academy tonight, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. 

Dr. VanDrunen, a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, began teaching at Westminster Seminary California in 2001. He formerly served as a pastor of Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hanover Park, IL, and currently serves on the Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s Committee on Christian Education and Subcommittee on Ministerial Training. His present research interests include natural law, the two kingdoms doctrine, and bioethics. 

Join us for an evening with Dr. David VanDrunen as he lectures on his book Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought.  Dr. VanDrunen will explain why he wrote the book and the two main themes of this survey of the history of Reformed social thought.

The Academy meets at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim.  The lectures begin at 7:30 p.m., are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and answers, as well as a time for fellowship and refreshments.

For more info,