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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


What to Do When Jesus Returns?

We've all heard the quip from Martin Luther, who, when (supposedly) asked "what would you do if you knew that the Lord was returning tomorrow?" replied, "I'd plant an apple tree today."  This guy has a different answer.  He wants to blow stuff up!  Click here: 01/31/2009 - St. Charles County man charged with stealing explosives for 'end of the world' -

Speaking of end-times confusion, here is a rather distressing "O be careful little hands what you do" approach to our Lord's return.  Instead of telling people why they shouldn't waste time watching TV when they could be witnesses of Christ, why not stress the glories of the blessed hope.  Remember, for a Christian, our Lord's return is pure gospel, not law.  Click here: Jesus is coming – where are your children?

Gay marriage is not only a denial of the creation order, it makes for very bad law.  One of the happy couples who pushed for gay marriage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is now divorcing.  While that comes as no surprise whatsoever, the cynic in me wants to know, "who gets the car, the blender, and the cat?"  Which one will have to pay alimony?  Even worse, this will create a whole new specialized field of lawyers--"Gay divorce lawyers."  Swell, just what we need. Click here: My Way News - Mass. couple who led gay marriage fight to divorce

With a given name like "Kimball" Riddlebarger, its a wonder (according to a new study) that I haven't lived a life of crime.  Well, I have, I've just kept in my heart.  Click here: - Boys With Unusual Names More Likely to Break Law - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology


On the Differences Between Lutheranism and Calvinism -- Audio from "Issues, Etc."

Here's the link to the audio from my discussion with Todd Wilken (Tuesday, February 3, 2009) about the differences between Lutheranism and Calvinism. As always, Todd did a great job and asked some great (and key) questions. 

We discussed our differences regarding the "five points" and the sacraments.

Note:  The link has been updated



"By the Power of the Holy Spirit" -- Romans 15:1-13

The Thirty-Fifth in a Series of Sermons on Paul's Epistle to the Church in Rome

Having made the case that God justifies the wicked through faith in Jesus Christ, at some point in this epistle Paul must address the subject of Christian liberty. The issue is simply this: Since we justified by the merits of Christ, who fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law by his perfect obedience, this means that we are not bound in any sense to those things not commanded in God’s word. But how do we relate to those who still think it wrong to do certain things, even when such things are not forbidden in Scripture? Paul discusses this matter using the categories of weak and strong, the weak being those who have scruples about things not forbidden in Scripture.

The fact that there are both weak and strong in the church in Rome is the reason why in Romans 14, Paul pronounces all foods clean. Paul must prevent the weak (the Jews) from trying to force Gentile converts to Christianity to live as Jews and keep a kosher diet, in effect, speaking of good things as though they were evil, something the apostle forbids. The feuding between the weak and strong is also why Paul exhorts the Christians in Rome to keep the particulars of their Lord’s Day observance as a matter between themselves and God, before going on to exhort them not to judge their brothers and sisters when it comes to any disputable matter. Since we all belong to the Lord, who alone is judge of all things (including our personal behavior), let us not bicker about such things as food and drink, or what we do or do not do on the Lord’s Day. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but a matter of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

In Romans 12, Paul began the so-called practical section of this letter by exhorting Christians to stop being conformed to the pattern of this world and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. As we learn to think like Christians and stop thinking like pagans, our conduct will change accordingly. As Paul has pointed out, this change in our behavior will manifest itself in a number of ways: genuine humility, love for our brothers and sisters, submission to legitimate governing authorities, prompt and full payment of our debts, and a biblical sexual ethic in which fornication and adultery are regarded as sins. Paul speaks of this change in our thinking as clothing ourselves in Jesus Christ. While are already clothed with Christ by virtue of our baptism and union with Christ, we also are to clothe ourselves with Christ on a daily basis. We do this by putting to death the deeds of the flesh and as we daily rise to newness of life. As we are clothed with Christ we will begin to manifest the kind of behavior described throughout these final chapters of Romans.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


I've Got "Issues"

I will be a guest on "Issues, Etc.," tomorrow talking with Pastor Todd Wilken about some of the differences between Calvinism and Lutheranism.  If you know the "Issues" program and our history, you'll know that this will not be a debate but a discussion among friends about where we agree and where we don't.

You can listen tomorrow (Tuesday, 1-2 p.m. PT): Click here: Issues, Etc. Radio Program

I'll post the MP3 here when I get the link (probably Wednesday).


Who Said That?

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."

OK, who is responsible for this rant?  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  I'll post the answer next week.


"He Appeared to Take Away Sins" -- 1 John 2:28-3:10

Here's the audio from today's sermon:



Audio from Friday's Academy Posted

Here's the audio from Ken Samples' Academy lecture (1/30/09) "Confucius & Lao-Tzu," part four of Ken's series, "Jesus and the Other Religious Faces in the Crowd.”


I Told You It Was a Good Book!

Mike Horton's People and Place (my personal pick for the best book of 2008) won the 2009 Christianity Today book award for the best theology/ethics text.

Click here: 2009 Christianity Today Book Awards | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Congrats Michael!


Don't Forget Tonight's Academy Lecture!

Ken Samples continues his lecture series, "Jesus and the Other Religious Faces in the Crowd.”  Ken's lecture tonight will be entitled: "Confucius & Lao-Tzu"

Here's the course Synopsis again: This lecture series will compare and contrast the historic Christian portrait of Jesus Christ with the world’s great religious leaders, including Gautama (Buddha), Confucius, Krishna, Lao-Tzu, Mahavira, Muhammad, Nanak, Baha’ullah, and Zoroaster. The series will explore the religious leader’s distinct status, mission, and legacy in comparison with Christ.

Textbooks: Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan, Without a Doubt by Kenneth Samples


The Canons of Dort, Third/Fourth Head of Doctrine, Article Four

Article 4: The Inadequacy of the Light of Nature

There is, to be sure, a certain light of nature remaining in man after the fall, by virtue of which he retains some notions about God, natural things, and the difference between what is moral and immoral, and demonstrates a certain eagerness for virtue and for good outward behavior. But this light of nature is far from enabling man to come to a saving knowledge of God and conversion to him--so far, in fact, that man does not use it rightly even in matters of nature and society. Instead, in various ways he completely distorts this light, whatever its precise character, and suppresses it in unrighteousness. In doing so he renders himself without excuse before God.


The Reformed understanding of total depravity and total inability raises the nagging question about what happens to those who live apart from the light of Holy Scripture and who may have never heard the gospel.  “What happens to the `innocent person’ in distant lands who has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ?’

Arminians have historically charged that it is not fair for God to hold people accountable for Adam’s act of rebellion in Eden, therefore it is certainly not fair for God to hold those accountable for not believing in Christ who have never even heard the gospel.  Recall that the Arminian has argued that prevenient grace is universal, so there must be some divine provision for those outside of Christ.  

Therefore, the authors of the Canons now turn to the subject of the purpose and consequences of natural revelation, or the “light of nature.”

In light of the fact of total depravity, what does the Scripture say about natural revelation, or what is more commonly spoken of as general revelation?  This is best done by contrasting the purpose of general revelation (“the light of nature”) and special revelation (Holy Scripture). Then we are in a position to ask “what do fallen men and women do with the knowledge of God they that derive from “general revelation”?  Does general revelation lead men and women to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?

First, according to general revelation, God’s power [δυναμις] and divinity [Θειοτης], are “made known” to all of Adam’s descendants universally, regardless of race, culture and geographical locale.  According to Paul’s account of this from Romans 1:18-32, God is indeed known by all of Adam’s fallen race, without exception.  General revelation is universal.  But when we contrast this with special revelation, it is clear that the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ is only “made known” to his people, who are are given understanding of the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit and effectually called to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel.

Special revelation, then, is not universal, it is particular in a sense. While the gospel is to be taken to all nations—the evangelistic task of the church—only God’s people are granted faith in Christ and come to a saving understanding of God’s word.

Second, general revelation is given exclusively through the means of natural phenomena, or as Paul puts it in Romans 1:20, “through that which has been made.”  That is, God makes himself known to all men and women through his creation and the natural order itself.  This species of revelation is called “general” or “natural” revelation, for this very reason.  Through this general revelation, all men and women do, in fact, know that God exists from the fact that all of creation itself testifies to God’s very existence and pushes all of humanity to acknowledge the creator.

Special revelation is, however, by way of contrast, distinctly supernatural and culminates in the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Special revelation is directly connected to God’s redemptive acts and to the explanation of those redemptive acts in Holy Scripture, which—it is important to point out—itself is a distinctly redemptive act.  Redemptive act and redemptive word are linked together in special revelation.

Third, according to Paul’s account in Romans 1, general revelation is given continuously—“for since the creation of the world . . .”  Special revelation, on the other hand, is given exclusively in and through redemptive history and God’s mighty acts of redemption on behalf of Adam’s fallen race.  As general revelation is perpetually given through exclusively natural means, special revelation is given through exclusively supernatural means and is, therefore, limited to Holy Scripture.  This is why the Reformed argue not only for the infallibility of Scripture, but also for its sufficiency.

Fourth, general revelation is given to humanity as God’s creatures.  That is, general revelation supplies all men and women with the knowledge that God exists, that he is their heavenly father, and that they owe their very life and breath to him since he is their creator.  General revelation demonstrates to us that “God is,” and that all of his creatures owe him homage and obedience to his will.

Special revelation, on the other hand, is given to humanity as sinners, and is intended by God to supply men and women with a redemptive knowledge of God—specifically the law and the gospel—a knowledge which is not, and indeed cannot, be derived from general revelation.  Thus no one can be redeemed on the basis of general revelation alone, since the gospel is not revealed in the natural order!  While a pagan might come to know that God exists by watching a sunset or contemplating earth’s beauty, they cannot deduce from that the contents of the gospel!

Fifth, according to Scripture, general revelation was given specifically for the purpose of rendering the fallen children of Adam without excuse as Paul puts it quite plainly in Romans 1— “so that men are without excuse.”  This was God’s intended purpose in revealing himself in nature and through the created order, because in doing so, God thereby renders all of Adam’s fallen children guilty and without any excuse whatsoever!  This means that there is no one who will be able to stand before God in the judgement on the last day, and say “I didn’t know that I was a sinner who needed a savior.”

Thus the express purpose of general revelation is to leave all men and women without excuse. It was given not to save those apart from the gospel, but to condemn those who know that God is, but who, because of inherited sinfulness will inevitably suppress the truth in unrighteousness.  It is equally clear that special revelation points the sinner to salvation in Jesus Christ.  God—the creator and judge—is known through natural revelation, but Jesus Christ—God the savior—is only known through special revelation.

This, then, is the background needed to understand the Reformed conception of natural revelation in contrast to that of the Arminians.  As the Canons state: “There is, to be sure, a certain light of nature remaining in man after the fall, by virtue of which he retains some notions about God, natural things, and the difference between what is moral and immoral, and demonstrates a certain eagerness for virtue and for good outward behavior.”  Natural revelation grants unto Adam’s fallen race a knowledge of God which explains the fact that such virtues as love, justice and so on exist in virtually all cultures, even those not yet reached by the gospel.

The fact that this natural knowledge of God is sinfully suppressed, also explains the phenomena of humanity’s universal religious nature.  Suppressed knowledge of God, inevitably manifests itself in idolatry.  Rather than provide a means of salvation, as the Arminians have often argued, natural revelation only condemns.  Thus, as the Canons point out, “this light of nature is far from enabling man to come to a saving knowledge of God and conversion to him—so far, in fact, that man does not use it rightly even in matters of nature and society. Instead, in various ways he completely distorts this light, whatever its precise character, and suppresses it in unrighteousness.  In doing so he renders himself without excuse before God.”