My Two Seconds of Fame

So, I'm watching the History Channel's program "The Antichrist." Except for interviews with prophecy "experts" like Ted Haggard and Tofik Benedictus (Benny Hinn), it wasn't bad. Hal Lindsey--the man of many mustaches (Click here)--was the primary dispensational expert, but people like Fuller, McGinn and Boyer, were interviewed as well.
All of a sudden, I look up and there's the cover of my book! It wasn't on for long, but it was there!
The next time History Channel ran the program, I DVR'd it. My two seconds of fame! Immortalized on my hard drive!
Warhol said I'd get 15 minutes, not two seconds.
Reader Comments (16)
Fame debits - 2 seconds
Fame credits- 14 minutes, 58 seconds
Since I don't have cable, I thought I would watch it on YouTube, there seems to be a couple of versions of the program posted there, European and American.,+the+antichrist&uni=1
Kidding aside, we agree that it's a shame that Hinn trumped you in air time...
Mr. and Mrs. Auk
The History Channel sometimes updates its documentaries. Why not pursue contacting them to add some commentary regarding the Amil position. It may not change stalwart Dispensationalists, but at least people would know there's another perspective out there. I'm perplexed as to why Hinn was on there. Since when has he been considered an expert on prophecy, and if so, by whom.
Tim LaHaye even had his hands in The Omen 666 a few years ago. He was featured on the FX documentary that served as the precursor to its release. Sure enough, the movie delved into Dispensational interpretation of Daniel, ruining an otherwise respectable remake. (I liked the film for the plot, not its theology or its depiction of the antichrist,) Here's a question for you. If you were asked to advise on the development of a serious film depicting the antichrist, what advice would you give the filmmakers that would avoid sensationalism and remain true to the description provided in Scripture?
BTW, If you haven't done so already, you might be interested in reading Left-Behind or Left Befuddled: The Subtle Dangers of Popularizing the End Times by Gordon L. Isaac. He was my Th.M adviser at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I liked the book. I'd be curious to hear your opinion of it.