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Living in Light of Two Ages



This Week's White Horse Inn

Darkness Is My Only Companion

Why does God allow so many of us to experience deep forms of depression often to the point of despair, and how do we counsel those in our lives who struggle with the torture of the soul? How can pastors and churches be better prepared to recognize symptoms and help those who struggle? Join Mike Horton in today’s discussion with Kathryn Greene-McCreight, author of Darkness is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental Illness, and Harold Senkbeil, author of Dying to Live and board member of Doxology: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual care and Counsel.

Click Here


Friday Feature -- Because No One Should Work in a Cubicle

We've all worked with guys like Milton, Lumberg, and Peter.  We've all gotten "PC Load Errors."  And TPS reports and coversheets . . .


"I Will Be a Pledge of His Safety" -- Genesis 42:29-43:13

Here's the audio from the next installment of Rev. Compton's sermon series on the Joseph narrative.

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Faith and Mental Illness

Are today’s churches prepared to handle issues related to mental illness? How should Christians help those struggling with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, and various types of learning disabilities? On this program, Mike Horton will discuss these important yet often avoided topics with Amy Simpson, an editor at Christianity Today and the author of Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission.

Click Here


Friday Feature -- John Adams and the Declaration of Independence


Seventy-Five Years Ago . . .


E-Book Edition of "Man of Sin" for $3.99

The e-book edition of my book on the biblical doctrine of antichrist is being offered this week at a huge discount.  The Man of Sin is on-sale for $3.99 at the booksellers listed below.

The Man of Sin, Amazon Kindle:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Barnes and Noble:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Christian Book Distributors:  Click Here


"What Is This That God Has Done to Us" -- Genesis 42:1-28 

Here's the audio from Rev. Compton's sermon this morning:  Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview with R. C. Sproul

On this edition of the White Horse Inn, I’ll speak with R.C. Sproul, Chairman of Ligonier Ministries and author of numerous books including The Holiness of God, The Truth of the Cross, and Knowing Scripture. We’ll be discussing many of the problems affecting the contemporary church: the similarities between liberalism and evangelicalism, the rise of deism, and the failure of contemporary models of discipleship (original air date, Sept. 7, 2008).

Click Here


Two Kingdom Lectures Posted

Now that I'm on my summer sabbatical (with some vacation time mixed in), I'm updating several areas of the Riddleblog

The first project was to set up a new tab on the header (directly above) with all of the audio files and handouts from my lecture series, "In the Land of Nod."

If this topic (the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms) is of interest to you, you can now find everything in one place!

I've got several writing projects to finish-up (I'm working on a chapter for a forthcoming book from Crossway--my contribution is "The Eschatology of the Reformers"), and I'll be preparing my lecture for the White Horse Inn Week in Vail, Colorado, from July 24-26 (for more info, White Horse Inn Week).